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Electric Generator

Electric generator is a device that uses Faradays law converts mechanical energy to electrical energy . This generator forces electric charge to flow through an external electrical circuit.The electrical generator works when a wire move across a magnetic field and the electric current will occur in the wire. A magnet is attached at the end of the shaft is positioned in stationary conducting ring located in generator. When the magnet rotates, it induces a small electric current in each section of a wire passes through it.The turning of a coil in a magnetic field produces motional current in both sides of the wire . Therefore, each section of wire in generator have a small, separate electric conductor. Turbine is used to drive an electrical generator and this device convert mechanical energy generate electricity. As example, a generator spinning at 1000 rotation per minute(rpm) and will produce 1 amp at 6 volts. 1 amp is the number of electrons moving through a wire every second and the voltage is the amount of current behine those electrons.

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