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Consultative Examination Medical History Ms X stated that he has a problem with his vision.

According to this parent baby Y is very short sighted , he wears glasses and is nearly partially blind in one eye, his mother says that he might need to have eye surgery. When questioned she confirmedthat he had an eye patch , from the information provided I suspect that the child has amblyopia .According to Ms X, she noticed that Y was crosseyed Birth History Baby Y was the product of a non- consanguineous pregnancy; he was born to a multipara at a hospital in the US. He is said to be the product of a singleton pregnancy. Ms X says she had preterm rupture of membranes, she was placed on bedrest for some weeks but she underwent an emergency c-section because her blood pressure was dropping.He was born at ? 36 weeks and the mother child dyad stayed in hospital 2 weeks before discharge Development Y is reportedly able to dress without supervision, he could copy a cross and draw a person, he could hop on one foot , and he was able to name four colors. All these are milestones reached by the majority of children by the age of five years. Family and Social History The family history is essentially unremarkable apart from a history of poor sight on the mother's side; maternal grandmother has glaucoma Physical Examination Y presented as a well-dressed child, he was anicteric, afebrile and acyanosed, he was not in any acute respiratory distress. Vital Signs Heart Rate 100/min 96.3F HEENT Pharynx Neck Chest Resp. Rate 18/min Temp

Normocephalic, pupils - equal and reactive to light normal tympanic membranes. Normal no obvious hyperemia Supple No obvious deformities, clear to auscultation

Heart Abdomen Genitalia CNS MSS Spine Skin

S1, S2 no murmurs heard Full soft non tender, no sig palpable organomegaly TSM I normal male external genitalia No gross neurological deficits Free range of motion in all limbs, on both active and passive motion No obvious scoliosis No obvious neurocutaneous stigmata,

Assessment 1) Amblyopia Recommendations Amblyopia is a condition of decreased visual acuity in the absence of any structural deficit. The definition of legal blindness requires that the corrected vision in the best eye be 20/200 or less. Baby Y appears to have20/100 vision in both eyes without glasses and 20/70 vision with glasses ,as such I doubt that he would qualify as almost legally blind,Although he is myopic (shortsighted) his vision is improved with the use of glasses. I would not consider him to have a severe functional impairment at this time. Yours truly,

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