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1848:Seneca Fall, New York. The first womens rights convention is held.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton proposed the idea of Equal Suffrage.

1850-1861: More Womens rights conventions are held throughout the country

1861: Due to the civil war, womens suffrage put aside to help with war effort.

1868: Fourteenth amendment is ratified, which gives the vote to black citizens. This defined citizens as male. Women petitioned to be included but were turned down. Formation of the New England Woman Suffrage Association is formed. 1869: Wyoming Territory gave women the right to vote. In 1890 Wyoming would become an official state, making it the first state to give women the right to vote, and keep it. 1870: Utah grants woman suffrage. 1871:The Anti-Suffrage Society is formed. 1872: Susan B. Anthony and supporters arrested for voting. 1873: Anthony is denied a trial by jury, loses her case and is fined. Suffrage demonstration on the Centennial of the Boston Tea Party. 1874: The US Supreme Court decides that being a citizen does not guarantee suffrage. 1878:Woman suffrage amendment first introduced in US Congress

1886:Suffrage amendment reaches US Senate floor, defeated two to one 1887:Utah women lose right to vote. 1890: NAWSA turns to working at the state level. Campaign loses in South Dakota 1894: a petition with 600,000 signatures for womens suffrage in New York is ignored. 1896: Idaho grants woman suffrage. 1910: Washington (the state) grants woman suffrage. 1911: California grants woman suffrage. 1912 Oregon, Arizona and Kansas grant woman suffrage. Teddy Roosevelts Progressive party includes woman suffrage in their platform.

1913: Woman Suffrage parade on the eve of Wilsons inauguration, attacked by a mob with many injuries yet no one arrested. 1916: Alice Paul and others break away from the NAWSA and form NWP 1917:

NWP begins to protest at the White House. In June, the arrests begin and the women are treated brutally in prison. North Dakota, Indianna, Nebraska and Michigan grant presidential suffrage New York, South Dakota and Oklahoma grant suffrage in their state constitutions.


Jailed suffragists released from prison, Appellate court rules all the arrests were illegal. President Wilson declares his support for suffrage. Suffrage Amendment passes US House, but loses by two votes in the Senate.

1920: The Nineteenth Amendment becomes law on August 26.

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