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EMPLOYEE INTRODUCTION LETTER Dear Sir, I am studying towards a BBA degree at faculty of Business Administration and Man agement

in Patuakhali` Science and Technology University. As part of my course I have to submit a term paper on The Role of Non-Monetary Rewards in Improving Ban kers Job Performance. I am seeking your co-operation for only 10 minutes to comple te a questionnaire. The information aims to investigate the role that non-moneta ry rewards can play in motivating employees to improve job performance. All the information provided in this questionnaire will keep strictly confident and that its use will be confident to only establishing the statistical data required fo r the term paper only. The questions focus on the following: Biographic data; What will required as motivators to improve job performance; What brings you job satisfaction, and What you expect from a reward system. Please give the completed questionnaire. Thank you for allowing me your time. Yours

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