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KNU Statement on Review of Karen Revolutionary Resistance and National


The KNU successfully held a conference, at a certain place in the base

area of resistance, reviewing and discussing experiences of the Karen
revolutionary resistance and national political movement from January 29 to 30,
2009. It was attended by 68 representatives from inside the country and abroad.
Participants of the meeting discussed on issues relating to weaknesses,
strength and unity the Karen people had to face, during 60 years of Karen
revolutionary resistance and drew lessons from them. In spite of ruthless military
campaigns and divisive intrigues by successive regimes, against the KNU during
the 60 years, the resistance remains strong and stable because of just and correct
leadership by the KNU and its faithful stand on the principles and proper
implementation of the policies laid down. The meeting adopted the 4-point
position given below so that the national revolutionary resistance may gain
victories in the future as well.

1. To maintain correct patriotic spirit;

2. To establish trust on the basis of mutual understanding among the
Karen people of different dialect groups, customs and religious faiths;
3. To build up strong unity among the Karen people;
4. To totally annihilate the system of military dictatorship, as the Karen
revolution is not only for the Karen people but also for liberation of the
fellow oppressed nationalities and establishment of democracy.

We, KNU, make the pledge to struggle on firmly, with unity until final
victory is achieved for national liberation, equality, self-determination and
democratic rights.

January 31, 2009

For further information contact: (+66) 087 061 6325

Conference Organizing Committee

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