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Research Proposal Marshall Hopkins Questions: In education, how is technology affecting learning capabilities?

How does it help students to learn? How it hurting the ability to learn? Working thesis: In present-day education, technology is continually being more and more relied on. The use of technology such as computers and calculators are both helping and hurting students ability to learn. Possible Main Points: 1. Students benefit from technology- Technology opens up a number of resources for learners to utilize. 2. Technology is hurting students- Students dont comprehend subjects as well as they would do without technology. The absence of computers would force students to be more attentive. 3. Google is dangerous- For some people, Google is their best friend. If they do not know the answer to a question on the homework, by simply typing the question into Google an answer is given. 4. Technology is fast-It allows for some students to multitask even while studying or working on homework. Being able to do more things at once can effective. Possible Objections: 1. Technology leads to distractions- Students easily are distracted by doing homework on computers by social networking sites. Possible Sources 1. The New Technologies and Learning- Charles C. Thomas 2. Enhancing Learning through Technology-Elsebeth Korsgaard Sorensen 3.

Dietel-McLaughlin / WR 13300 & 13200 / Fall 2011

E x p l o r a t o r y D r a f t ( t y p e r e s t o f t h e p r o p o s a l ) :

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a t t a c h

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First section: You should begin with something like In this paper I plan to, followed by argue that, propose a solution to, speculate about the causes for, or whatever you plan to accomplish with your essay. Also explain why this topic is interesting to you and why you think its important that other people know about it. You should provide relevant background information to show the need for and importance of the research you are proposing. In this paper I plan to argue that technologies such as computers and calculators are beneficial and harmful to learning students. Im choosing this topic because it clear how much we as people rely on technology, machines, etc. I would like to look back at the time when computers were not available and some of the most brilliant people in history survived. It is accurate to say that most ND students utilized technology in order to come here so I think its appropriate to examine how technology was of assistance. Second section: Talk a little bit about your intended audience and what that audience has at stake in the controversy you are researching. Who will benefit from your research? Who is in a position to be persuaded? How do you plan to convince that audience to agree with you? My intended audience will be students. They are the learners, like myself, who rely heavily on technological objects. I plan on convincing them to agree with by examining how technology helps and hurts them in terms of learning. Because in reality, technology is very helpful; however, according to past surveys over 75 percent of college students have cheated at some point in their lives. That may have to do with technology. Third section: Discuss what sources youve found and what other ones you would like to look for. What kind of information will your audience expect? How will you accommodate those expectations? How are you going to integrate source material from the course? Where are you having trouble finding information? I have found a few books on this topic. I would like to get more just so I have a variety of information. I can also use myself as a source and the experience I have had with technology in education. The audience, I expect will want examples of how technology is both good and bad to the learning process and what solutions would be best to get the most out of technology without abusing it. Integration from class sources should not be too difficult, seeing that technology plays a major role in Multimedia Literacy. I need to find more information on how technology is stunting learning growth.

Fourth section: Share any concerns or questions you have about this project. Where do you think you might run into problems? Put some thought into this the more specific you are about your questions, the more I will be able to point you toward some answers. I am not sure if I need to choose one side or the other or if I can argue both. Technology both helps and hurts students by creating resources and giving some students shortcuts. I am unsure if I am making too many claims in this paper. Is it inappropriate to side with both on a research paper?

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