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I chose this journal because it was he first we did in class and it made me think about text in a way I havent

before. The definition of text can be so many things to so many people and I never realized that before doing this journal entry.

I enjoyed doing this journal because it was different; it was more based on ideas rather than just writing. It made me realize how much of a negative effect social media and texting has on my personal literacy, and how much school and my family especially has helped me.

This journal was my personal favorite to do. I was fun and I got to be very creative with my writing. The prompt was to write about something you love and write a letter to it. so of course I wrote to my Xbox. I put some references that only gamers would recognize. A journal like this allows me to really enjoy writing.

This journal made me laugh, we were told to draw what we thought culture was and for some reason the first thing that came to my mind was the stereotypical douche bag sobody that wears $200 shoes, designer jeans, a deep V, 2 chains (that made me laugh), rings, and a hat. It was weird and sad that this is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think of culture.

This journal made me reflect on what I needed to do for the project, but more importantly made me figure out what i was doing wasnt going to work and it needed to change. I like these reflective journals because they get me on track on the big projects and let me see what I have done and what I need to do to get back on track in order to get the grade I want to.

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