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I-Chu Liao 4248325 Moving Myself

EI Workshop-feedback in Cycle 2

1. Emotional-Driven Clinic: Due to time limitation, this clinic didnt help much on actual prototyping refinement much, it is more focused on the us asking questions, however, students gather together after the clinics, agreeing that we came without these doubts, we were looking forward to be stimulate in emotional aspects and helping each other brainstorming on the iteration ideas they already have.

However, they touched a few aspects within 30 minutes. We should think about what are the important key values, then redesign the situation. There are always concerns behind each individual, therefore one thing might comes into that sense in a personal way, then we can design a situation that shows the opportunity to fulfil users concern in another way. The most difficult part is to break the patterns of peoples daily routines, if alternative makes the positive emotion, people would be driven to do the new design. Designers needs to respect users concern and resolve the conflicts. One advice is that designers can look into the art, they gave inspirations that makes things more concrete, also make general public aware of one message in some way. Create care for users would likely to make a design work. Find some relevant for them to change their behaviours. For example, money, family, ect. You find/make that connection. 2. 4 people workshop in studio: It is rewarding in generative sessions with fellow students, we share each others concerns about the work, also jump out of the box, find a new way to approach to the same goal in each others project. Some people only have minor decisions to make, while others are searching upon different directions, and try to connect them to one accessible design solution. We get the chance to spend good quality of time discussing deeply into each aspects of our projects, makes it rewarding for students to move onto next iteration ideas.

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