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Dear Facebook Staff, I've had the opportunity to look into the lives of my good friends and acquaintances

and have noticed that Facebook does not offer all the possibilities of relationships. Would you please consider these examples for future updates and ideas? Here are a just a few... 1- Wish I was in a relationship with... 2- If i spoke their native tongue I'd be in a relationship with... 3- In a Spring Break Relationship with... 4- Was in a relationship with... 5-Tomorrow, i might not be in a relationship with... do to that persons realization that I'm not as charming as i use to be. 6- In a rebound relationship with... 7 In a relationship with...and probably shouldn't be, but I am! 8- Last Night had a random make out relationship with... 9-"Skype" is what allows me to have my relationship with... 10- Yes, She picked me....Relationship 11- Distance relationship with 12- When Im outside of my hometown Im in a realationship with 13-

Thank you facebook for looking out for my great friends who desperately need your help in identifying and classifying their relationships!

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