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Water is a most mysterious substance that we constantly take for granted. It is the most misunderstood and currently the most abused element on this planet. We all know this ubiquitous liquid by its chemical formula H2O and think that is all there is to it. Water is water, right? Nothing could be further from the truth. Water is a living fluid, the life-blood of our planet. It has its own living energy and motive force. When water dies, the planet dies.

Flowforms11, by A.John Wilkes, 2003

Sixty to seventy percent of our adult human body is composed of water and up to 90% in a baby. Many minerals, proteins, sugars and other substances are dissolved in the water of our body. These substances are especially active in the form of colloids, which carry a subtle electrical charge. Water constantly serves as a mediator of life electricity and the carrier of life formative forces in all biological organisms. Even when water is dispersed into fine mist of water vapor, it continues to carry this vital life force. It maintains its potency and power to do work and is literally good to the last drop. Water is alive. Like all living systems, it has certain needs in order to rejuvenate itself. This striving to recharge itself is inherent in its very nature. This achieved by the natural tendency of water to flow in a spiraling, vortexian motion, which we commonly recognize in the shape of the hyperbolic funnel of a tornado. Water is most potent when it is at its most dense state at a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius (39 degrees Fahrenheit). At any temperature above or below this magic threshold, water loses its maximum strength and absorption ability. When water is found in its most potent form in forests or mountain streams, it is near a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. As water warms up, it increasingly becomes dead and its life forces become stagnant. Thus, water has two basic needs in order to rejuvenate itself: 1) The freedom to flow in a vortexian, spiraling movement; and 2) To approach and optimally cool temperature of 4 degrees Celsius. The primary need of water is to be allowed to roll inwards in a spiraling path. If you observe streams, rivers or even your bathtub rain, you will notice how water attempts to flow in a 3-dimensional, vortexian, cyclonic roll. As a result, rivers tend to meander in a gentle to and fro motion throughout nature. Even within a flowing stream, water constantly circles in small vortices, called eddies.

Water wants to coil itself up and constantly attempts to turn around an invisible internal shaft. Just observe the waves of the oceans that constantly roll in this spiraling movement. Through this rolling motion, water gathers electrical life-force from the earth. As it moves through the earth, it also cools itself and increases its internal potential and power. Water literally stores this potential energy in itself, which it later gives freely to all living things to support life. Through this perpetual motion, water constantly exposes different aspects of its skin to the air. It is thus constantly involuting upon itself. Just like a spinster spinning her thread, nature attempts to twist water into its thread of life which then becomes a sparkling strand of living electricity. This electricity can literally be seen as glimmering threads of light in swift-running mountain streams, especially on cold moonlit nights. Victor Schauberger, an Austrian forester and renowned expert on living water, actually demonstrated how running water has the capacity to excite and illuminate light bulbs using this principle inherent in water. His famous water-thread experiment reproduced and expanded on the work of Lord Kelvin and showed how flowing water can create very high electrostatic potentials which can make neon light tubes glow. The centripetal, inwardly-directed movement of water causes it to become rejuvenated and creates a sucking action, as seen in a whirlpool. As the water accelerates more and more towards the center of a vortex, the electrical potential increases to very high levels. This concentrated power within water may become the motive force of the future technology of man: the power of the watery vortex. When rivers are straightened and their flow is channeled in straight paths, water tends to die. This has been observed in Europe in the Danube River since it has been regulated and forced to flow along man-made channels. The water has lost its ability to sustain life and the river level has continued to drop lower and lower. In America we have also seriously altered our rivers capacity to regenerate themselves. A recent count (1990) by the National Park Service found only 312 significant streams in the Lower Forty-eight states (12,700 miles out of 3.25 million miles) to be free flowing and undeveloped in their entireties. A federal inventory published in 1982 showed only 2 percent of the nations river mileage to be undimmed, undeveloped, and clean enough to be eligible for the federal Wild and Scenic River System. And even that number has dwindled since then. A more common way by which we destroy water is by pumping it through straight pipes in our modern cities and households. It can be demonstrated that when conventional centrifugal pumps pump healthy spring water under pressure, it rapidly loses its energy and electrical potential. It then becomes the breeding ground for microorganisms and bacteria, which now must be eradicated with toxic chemicals, such as, chlorine and fluorine. Unfortunately, the unwary American city dweller is forced to consume this chemicalized, dead tap water flowing from our city water mains. The arrogance of modern man to feel that he can do better than nature has caused the destruction of our natural agricultural resources. By pumping water through long,

straight irrigation pipes, modern American Farmers constantly pour tons of devitalized water onto their crops and stunt their growth and vitality. Luckily, we can regenerate the water again by swirling and coiling it in centripetal, spiral motion. It then undergoes a diamagnetic energy transformation and regains its electricity, good taste and life-giving potential. When water is brought to the fields in canals and pipes that have been designed to allow it to flow in a meandering fashion and to naturally follow a sinuous, spiraling path, crop yields have increased by 30-50% alone. Special twisted pipes are utilized for these applications, which support waters movement and regeneration. In other experiments, water delivered using the principles of vortexian flow have turned salt marshes into productive fields and sour swamps into sweet soils. Another innovative approach re-injects electrons back into the water using a patented semiprecious and precious metal alloy through which water flows (Carefree water conditioner). This tends to increase crop yields and also removed scaling deposits from pipes. A very esthetic and natural technique of water regeneration utilizes water flowforms developed by the British sculptor and mathematician John Wilkes (see picture). Here water flows in a lemniscate (figure eight pattern) motion in a multilevel series of forms of varying or similar shapes. As it flows it constantly folds in on itself causing the dissolved oxygen content to rapidly rise and promoting the growth of positive aerobic bacteria to replace the bad anaerobic bacteria. In the waste-water treatment plant in Jrna, Sweden these flowform cascades have successfully cleaned the water so effectively to allow it to flow back into the fjord. ( These flow forms have also been successfully incorporated on a large scale in the Dutch NMB corporate bank headquarters building in Amsterdam. The water flows throughout this ten tower building complex through interior and exterior flow forms thereby helping with climate control and revitalizing the plants and the 2400 employees working in the building. It is initiatives such as these that demonstrate the practical and economic benefits of utilizing these new water regeneration technologies. Our current technology is almost exclusively built on the principles of exploding, centrifugal forces which lead toward the destruction of nature and could eventually result in the death of the planet. The modern combustion engine found in your car is a perfect example of this principle. This is only one side of the true laws of nature. The science of tomorrow will be based on the principles of life, the principle of implosion and the geometry of the vortex. When we begin to strive to discover the mysteries of life inherent in our watery bodies and in nature, then the Waterbearer of Aquarius will shower us with healing revelations. Perhaps then the Age of Aquarius might truly begin and water will again be honored as the essence of Life.

REFERENCES 1. Olof Alexandersson: Living Water. (Victor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy) Turnstone Press, Wellingborough. 1982. 2. Leopold Brandstatter: Implosion Instead of Explosion. (Victor Schauberger and his Discoveries) Originally published in 1955. Translated and published by Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Garberville, CA 1985. 3. Patrick and Gail Flanagan: Elixir of the Ageless: Liquid Crystal Water. Vortex Press, Flagstaff, AZ. 1986. 4. Mark Riegner and John Wilkes: Art in the Service of Nature: The Story of Flowforms. Orion Nature Quarterly. Winter 1988. 5. Theodor and Wolfram Schwenk: Water: The Element of Life. Athroposophic Press, Hudson, NY. 1989. 6. Theodor Schwenk: Sensitive Chaos. Rudolf Steiner Press, London, 1976. 7. Guenther Wachsmuth: Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man: The Path of Inventigation into the World of the Living. Anthroposophic Press, New York. 1932. 8. Theodor Schwenk: The Basis of Potentization Research. Mercury Press, Spring Valley, NY 1988. 9. William F. Hamilton: Center of the Vortex. 2nd Ed. Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, Garberville, CA 1987. 10. Henry Maclean: Banking on Natures Power and Poetry. Design Spirit, Winter/Spring 1990. 11. A. John Wilkes: Flowforms the Rhythmic Power of Water. Floris Books, Dec 2003.
About the Author: Karl Maret, M.D., M.Eng. is President of the Dove Health Alliance, a non-profit foundation based in Aptos, California, that is connected with an international network of physicians and scientists focused on energy medicine and other subtle energy approaches to healing. He specializes in complementary medical modalities, functional medicine and energy medicine. As partner in an educational company called Heart-Mind Communications he teaches seminars and is co-authoring a book entitled Awakening the Dialogue of the Heart to be published shortly. Email: Dr. Maret originally contributed this article to IBE in 1990 for publication in the info sheets.

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