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In everyday life, sometimes we see someone sent a letter to the person who wants, we even do this often. One example is to send a letter to the Company to apply for jobs. The letter is a tool or a media of communication in the form of writing that contains information, messages, statements, or respond according to the wishes of the author of the letter. When someone sends a letter to the company, he wanted to apply for the job. Based on the illustration it can be said that the letter can serve as a means of communication or a messenger from one to the head company. Letters can also serve as a co-author in this case, the author does not have to directly face to face with the person who intended to convey information but are represented by letters. But sometimes we do not understand how the subtance and how to write a job application letter, especially in a foreign language, namely English, because sometimes there are some company who wants the job application letter written in English. Therefor, in this paper we will discuss the subtance and how to write a job application letter in English, so when we create a job application letter is that we no longer have difficulty.

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