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Joenah Joyce L.



lunar months, a pregnancy is 10months (40 weeks or 280 days) long; a fetus grows in utero 9.5 lunar months or 3 full trimesters (38 weeks or 266days).

Embryo is rapidly growing.

Length: 0.75-1cm Weight: 400mg Spinal cord is formed. Lateral wings that form the body are folded forward.

Head folds forward.

The back and bent so that the head almost touches the tip of the tail.
Heart appears as prominent bulge. Arms and legs are budlike structures. Eyes, ears, and nose are discrenible.

Length: 2.5 cm (I in) Weight: 20g Organogenesis is complete

The heart is beating rhythmically . Facial features discernible.

Arms and legs are developed. External genetalia are present, but sex is NOT distinguishable by simple observation. Abdomen appears large.

Length: 7-8 cm Weight: 45g Nail bed are forming on fingers and toes
Spontaneous movements Tooth buds present

Sex is distinguishable Kidney secretion has begun Heartbeat is audible

Length: 10-17 cm Weight: 55-120g

Fetal heart is audible with stethoscope. Lanugo is formed Liver and pancreas are funtioning

Fetus actively swallows amniotic fluid, uncoordinated swallowing reflexes, urine is present in amniotic fluid. Sex is determined by ultrasound

Length: 25 cm Weight: 223 g Spontaneous fetal movement can be sensed by the mother. Hair forms

Antibody production is available

Definite sleeping and activity patterns are distinguishable.

Length: 28-36 cm Weight: 550 g

Passive antibody transfer from mother to fetus

Eyebrows and eyelashes are well defined

Eyelids are now open Pupils are capable of reacting to light Hearing can be demonstrated by responses to sudden sound

Length: 35-38 cm Weight: 1,200 g Testes began to ascend Blood vessels of the retina are thin and susceptible to damage from high Oxygen concentration

length: 38-43 cm Weight: 1, 200 g Subcutaneous fat begins to be deposited.

Fetus responds by movement to sounds outside mothers womb.

Birth position may be assumed

Length: 42-48 cm Weight: 1,800-2,700 g 5-6 lbs.

Body stores of iron, glycogen, carbohydrates, and calcium are deposited.

Additional subcutaneous fat are deposited. Lanugo begins to diminish Most babied turns into a vertex position

Length: 48-52 cm Weight: 3, 000 g 5-6 lbs

Fetus kick actively Fingernails extend Creases on sloes of feet is visible


fetal head is the body part that will first contact the cervix. is the normal presentation



butt is coming out first


fetal shoulder is trying to come out first

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