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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------DOCUMENTATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------This code sample has been successfully tested on the following server configurations and performed according

to Authorize.Net's documented Advanced Integration Method (AIM) standards. Microsoft-IIS/5.1 using PHP Version 5.2.8 Apache/2.2.9 using PHP version 5.2.6 on Windows Apache/2.2.3 using PHP version 5.2.3 on Linux Last updated Jan 2011 For complete documentation, please visit the Authorize.Net developer website at: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------DISCLAIMER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------WARNING: ANY USE BY YOU OF THE SAMPLE CODE PROVIDED IS AT YOUR OWN RISK Authorize.Net provides this code "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of suitability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. This sample code is provided merely as a blueprint demonstrating one possible approach to integrating with Authorize.Net using our Server Integration Method. This sample code is not a tutorial. If you are unfamiliar with specific programming functions and concepts, please consult the appropriate reference materials. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------PREREQUISITES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to establish a successful connection to Authorize.Net, it is required that you obtain a valid API Login ID and Transaction Key and enter these values into the appropriate places within this sample code. This is obtained within the settings section of your Authorize.Net account. If you do not have an Authorize.Net account or prefer not to use it for testing, you can obtain a free developer test account by using the form at: - This sample code uses the PHP Curl module in order to establish a connection to the server. The Curl module must be available for this code to function. Additional documentation on using the curl module can be found at: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------TROUBLESHOOTING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------ERROR: 13 - The merchant Login ID is invalid or the account is inactive. RESOLUTION: This error is caused by one of two things.

First, the "API Login ID" entered is invalid. Please ensure that you have updated the sample code with your valid API Login ID. (see PREREQUISITES) Second, the wrong posting URL is being used. For developer accounts, ensure that you are posting to: For live accounts (even in test mode) ensure that you are posting to: ERROR: 103 - This transaction cannot be accepted. RESOLUTION: This error indicates that an invalid Transaction Key has been submited. You will want to verify that you are using the most recently generated Transaction Key from your account. Please keep in mind that whenever a new transaction key is generated, previous keys will be disabled. ERROR: 123 - This account has not been given the permissions required for this reques t. RESOLUTION: This error occurs when the incorrect Login ID is being submitted. You will want to make sure that you are using the "API Login ID" obtained with your account settings. The API login ID is not the same login that you use for accessing your Authorize.Net administrative interface. DEVELOPER TOOLS: Authorize.Net's developer site provides tools for helping diagnose any error that you may encounter. Here are some tools that may help you. RESPONSE REASON CODE TOOL: This tool can be used to look up the meaning of any error code returned by the Authorize.Net SIM or AIM APIs. The most common errors also include troubleshooting steps: DATA VALIDATION URL TOOL: The data validation tool allows you to double check all of the data that you are sending to Authorize.Net with your AIM request. This can often make it easy to see errors that are otherwise difficult to locate: DOCUMENTATION: Documentation for all of our integration methods can be found on our developer site. Please review this documentation for additional details on the integration process: OTHER ERRORS: If all else fails, you can contact our integration support department at: Please provide clear details on the error that you are receiving and the steps that you are taking to produce the error. Also remember that we cannot support individual e-commerce developers with programming problems and other

issues that are not directly caused by, or related to, our APIs.

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