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Discounts and Sales Tax Activity

Thursday, December 06, 2012 9:21 AM Part 2. In each problem below, identify the discount and the sales tax. 1. A dog house normally costs $230. It is on sale for $200. After taxes and the discount, the dog house costs $214.

$30 discount $14 tax

2. A video game normally costs $28. It is on sale for $25. With taxes and the discount, it costs $27.25.

$3 discount $2.25 tax

3. Getting highlights in my hair is on sale for 25% off. The normal price for the highlights I get is $50. The price with sales tax is $40.

100 100=3750 change price X % change % 100

originalities. 100% originals. 7=8137.5

4. An iPhone is on sale for $350. It is marked down by 15%. The sales tax rate (percentage) is 8%.

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