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Data Warehousing
A data warehouse is a repository for data collected from one or more source systems. Most organisations have data such as spread sheets on PCs and network drives, transactional systems feed databases from different vendors and so it goes on. The data warehouse is the one place all this data comes together. The flexibility to bring this data together gives us a view across the organisation from which we can generate structured and ad-hoc reports to feed the thirst for information.

The benefits derived from a data warehouse are even more evident when your organisation is growing, acquiring or being acquired. The very process of creating a data warehouse makes people look at the quality of the data they or the systems they're responsible for hold. Data cleansing, while not a fun job to do, pays real dividends by ensuring the accuracy of your data. Bringing disparate data together and making it available in this way opens the door to BI and reporting solutions that can deliver the information you need, right to the device of you choosing.

Format14, Business Intelligence that makes sense.

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