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Dear Annabelle,

Please state your full name, age and hometown: Annabelle Santos, 34 years old, originally from the Philippines, currently live in Gillingham. How long have you been a nurse for? 15 years. How long have you been a nurse for at Medway Dialysis Unit? Where did you work before and what as? If you moved away from your home country to work in Britain why did you? 8 years at Medway Dialysis Unit. I worked in Blackpool Victoria Hospital previously at surgical Vascular Ward. Came to UK in 2002 from Philippines to work as a nurse. How often do you work? 37.5 hours/week. Do you enjoy working as a nurse/at Medway and if you do why? What do you like/dislike about your role? Yes I do enjoy it because I enjoy helping and looking after patients with renal failure. I assist them and give teachings regarding their dialysis treatment and it is fulfilling on my part that I can help them with their treatment. Why did you become a nurse (and has this been fulfilled?) Yes it is fulfilling. This is my dream/ambition ever since I was a child. What do you think of the current NHS setbacks, have they affected your role as a nurse? Do you know anyone that has left/been forced to leave because of this economic downturn? No What do you think of the news reports on 'bad nursing'. Has your job ever been affected by individuals who do not take their role as a nurse seriously? Yes it does affect with other nurses sometimes because even if we are doing our job properly sometimes people generalize it. What are your interests/hobbies outside of working? Watching movies, travelling to different places and spending time with my children/family. How would you describe yourself in three words? Hardworking, reliable and kind. What did you aspire to be as a child? I aspired to be a doctor or a flight attendant.

Name an individual who you believe has inspired you most in life and why. My parents because they inspired me to work hard and be somebody. Ive seen their hard work raising me and my brother for us to go to school in order to achieve our goals.

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