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Step by step creation of the first program in Java using Eclipse

1. Executing the sequence of actions detailed in the chart.


Run after the sequence of actions detailed in the chart.


Insert a class called "PruebaAlbum" as follows.

4. Now insert a class called "Album", in the same way as the previous step. 5. The result after the above steps is a structure as follows.


Declare the following attributes within the class Album"


Then set the SET and GET methods (methods are inserting, modifying and extracting the values that variables may have happened before, "automatically generated"), this operation is called to create getters and setters.


Notice how you generated the following code block without you had to write something.


Define the following constructor.

The constructor is a method that must have the same name as the class and is used to initialize the attributes of an object, usually receives values have past, a quick way is to develop a method using getters and setters from the previous step.

10. Now we instantiate an object of class "Album" in class "PruebaAlbum", this instance or reference to create should be made in the main.

See how you created two instances, and the way in which you can send arguments. 11. In the previous step we created two instances, how can we show these values on screen? We must develop a new method in the "Album", will be called "ImprimirAlbum"

12. Then call the method created from the two instances declared in step 10.

13. And finally we see the execution, after clicking button something should appear as follows:

on the

Author:Molina Moreira Kelvin Stalin


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