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08/15/97 12:51 AM How incredible that something like that could just slip away right in the middle

of writing about the realization of the evolution of consciousness I do recall now when first came to me and how awesome a realization it was that what I am is consciousness evolving it seems obvious that it must have occured after the realization that I am consciousness and nor just a physical body and sensory perception because it was a realization that not only am I conscious but I am experiencing a process of evolving consciousness it was nice outside the sound of the Creek is soothing passifying the moon is bright and soon full the sky is clear and the air cool my eyes are tired but here I am of course it is a rather significant event sober realization of the process of evolving consciousness like man its one thing to realize the essence of ones nature with and without got hungry so warmed some soup its on eof the best chicken soups Ive ever made now I dont feel hungry any more but I am drawn by prajna back to Willis its quite an inspiration

this prajna like a magnetic attraction it transforms consciousness to feelin orright mate Pete goes to London very soon back to Willis he is dead now but he said that death isnt final he also spoke in his piece on management of WHOLE-SYSTEM TRANSFORMATION from a corporate or shall we say ORGANIZATIONAL perspective One must suppose the piece is written for an intended audience of leaders people who make decisions for other people but Im not too sure that leader is a good word literally it is close but leader is usually used to refer to people with vision people who can see where to go better and for that reason are leading but there are many managers who dont have very good vision and I can call them guides since a guide can go anywhere like nowhere man he speaks again of the main wave this time in the sense of a deep sense of purpose and willing and acting in alignment with that inner sense of purpose

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