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08/15/97 1:21 PM Another bright sunny day with very few clouds its pleasantly warm in the sun

low eighties on the Fahrenheit scale woken by upstairs movements and flushing then another phone call came downstairs after dressing and the coffee was brewing so took the last beer from the fridge a Bud light and went out on the deck its a bit routine now but it was nice is anybody home Weltanschauung it was Hegel who used the word in The Philosophy of History one of the Great Books of the Mortimer Adler series I saw Mortimer Adler on TV then found the books in the library on 1st Avenue in Tucson and brought it back to Casa Grande Blanca there were many books from that library that I read and enjoyed or felt I benefited from Werner Heisenbergs Physics and Philosophy in there I read that it was one of the World Perspectives Series Ruth Nanda Anshen That lead to D.T. Suzukis Mysticism Christian and Buddhist a few years later I found it in Alberts Bookstore on Murray Street near Forrest Place in Perth its still in the book case over here in this room I remember reading it on the beach and smoking one of those vegemite tiger balm cigarettes from that person in Fremantle whos dad took photographs Willis Harman uses the same term in its English translation Worldview in the piece entitled Managing the Organization During Whole-System Transformation he outlines his premise that human society in the nineteen nineties has just begun to undergo a whole-system transformation Willis attributes the transformation to a change in world view a transformation in world view he uses as an example the previous change in world view that he considers to be of similar nature the change that began in the 17th century he does say however that it is still weak at the time of writing (the talk was given in May, 1995)

Willis makes the point that the modern world-view was still weak (in terms of numbers of people and the impact that derives from popular acceptance of new ideas) he also draws an analogy with the Christian movement at the time of the demise of the late Roman Empire Willis presents the idea that we are in the early stages of a transformation of world-view as an evolutionary event as significant as the two previous transformations he refers too it might be more precise to use the term Mutational since in the scientific model of biological evolution there is a generally held idea that evolutionary processes advance discontinuously by way of relatively sudden mutations mutations are considered to result from an alteration in the genes contained in the DNA of organic beings alterations can be caused by the effect of radiation chemicals and other factors Willis is speaking about evolution of knowledge and beliefs which we might even consider calling spiritual evolution of evolution of knowledge or evolution of human consciousness If we observe what has been recorded about and what we have personally experienced of the history of human knowledge human culture human technology, art, literature, religion, business, architecture, weaving, glass making, music there is ample evidence of evolutionary processes that resemble the evolutionary processes we observe in nature and biological organisms where the idea of evolution first gained popular support in the observations and texts written by Charles Darwin, the British biologist who sailed in a ship to the Galapagos Islands in the Pacific Ocean north west of South America His ideas about whole-system transformation have echoes of other terms like the end of western civilization, the nuclear apocalypse and now ecocatastrophe that gained fairly wide popular consideration among the young people involved in the youth revolution of the sixties. These people are now in their forties, fifties and sixties and are at a stage in life where they can exert the highest level of influence. I think Willis may be right in suggesting that a major change in popular world-view has already begun Im not so sure that we can have

any certainty about the extent of its development to date or of its future direction he speaks of the importance of relieving or soothing away the fear and apprehension that is also growing along with the vague realization that things will not continue as they are of course the fear derives from the insecurity that develops when people consider the idea that great changes are immanent they begin to envision possible changes in their material well being Most acutely perhaps it is felt as a possibility that this might be the age of plenty and abundance of material goods and services and that whatever the mysterious changes on the horizon, like storm clouds, they may bring shortages and poverty to many people, just as a storm might bring torrential rains, floods and the destruction of crops and homes on a large scale. Willis also dwells on challenging the assumptions of the current culture and in particular the assumption of economic growth. Willis appears to assume that economic growth must mean increased ecological damage. My view is that the world view that is new does indeed have its roots in a spiritual awareness that involves a consciousness of the kinship of all living beings and the inorganic Earth upon which we all depend for life and sustenance and this consciousness will bring a future in which ecological damage will not be tolerated by societies any more than damage to human interests is tolerated today (murder, rape, theft, assault, kidnap etc. all of which are still common even if not tolerated by society and are punishable by incarceration) I do not believe however that society will ever find it intolerable to create and produce goods and services that are beneficial to human and non-human life I am confident that the society that is evolving and already emerging will encourage economic growth as long as there are any people who are hungry homeless and impoverished and this will probably continue for as long as humans are humans. Many speculate that it will be enough to re-distribute the resources we already have that may be so but the redistribution effort is an effort that I am confident is beyond the capability of the human species to implement

I believe that it is far more likely that humanity will invent new technologies that make it possible to relieve human poverty and at the same time to relieve the poverty that the technologies and business of the current and past eras have wreaked on non-human life on the whole living ecosystem we now call Gaia. This is a point of fundamental differences with the mainstream of what remains a minority movement that we can identify with old words like Counter Culture, New Age and with newer words like Planetary Culture and Ecozoic Age. That minority mainstream has a plank in its platform that categorically requires an end to technology and science as the source of solutions to problems of poverty and economic provision. The current of human need will not accommodate this dogmatism and nor will it accommodate the life threatening destruction of the global eco-system by pollution and toxification of the environment due to economic activity. What many of the well fed extremists often do not consider is that economic activity in its form of genuine provision of material needs is a life affirming and nurturing mode of activity we might even say that all living organisms are involved in economic activity and that genuine economic activity is life affirming and life sustaining as we already did. Its a bath water idea. What we need to discourage and to end as soon as possible is activities that cannot be included in a sustainable living Earth but who knows for sure. I think that all we really know is that we need an economic system (for production of food, shelter, water, clothing, transportation, education, entertainment etc.) that is internally designed to have a minimal impact on the eco-systems of the Earth and where possible to restore damaged eco-systems. 08/15/97 2:22 PM Just about ready for a break. Exactly one hour The term appropriate technology is gaining acceptance and here I am confident is what the future will demand not abandonment of economic activity or even economic growth but abandonment of ecocidal activities and encouragement of eco-nurturing activities

For myself Ive been experiencing years of internal debate about my own individual involvement and have formulated countless scenarios I keep coming back to the process of evolution of consciousness in its wholeness rather than a confinement to exclusive involvement in appropriate types of economic activity What is occurring on planet Earth and what has always been occurring is the evolution of consciousness prajna draws nurturing activity nurturing of evolution of consciousness what it means I do not know but to cultivate consciousness in myself and all people drawn to my locale like around my physical body by writing books by painting pictures by designing buildings by designing whole communities by building whenever I hear noises from the kitchen especially while I am writing or meditating or sleeping/meditating I am distracted and the distraction brings with it irritation I want to attach to the distractions a consciousness of the infinite nature and the simultaneity of being past present and future the uncertainty and mystery of who we are and what we are an awareness of beauty and goodness and truthfulness an awareness of original purity undefiled still I hear the noises someone is in the kitchen while I am writing Id really prefer that there was silence in my home

that I didnt hear anyone in my home or see anyone moving about but it isnt so someone is here I have to accept that it is so that my home is occupied invaded that I am essentially incarcerated that I have no privacy but I also want to be aware that the true nature of being is consciousness

08/15/97 3:15 PM about a thirty minute break poured a cup of coffee diluted it with water from the kitchen sink tap heated to boiling in the microwave oven added a heaping teaspoon of refrigerated Borden sweetened and condensed milk, stirred to mix in a turquoise glazed ceramic cup hand made by a potter I once knew decorated with saguaro images got my lighter and camel lights put them a pocket of my blue cotton shorts took my polaroids out of the case took my straw hat from the hook in the hallway put on my leather sandals opened the rear screen door and set the lounge chair and ash tray on the railing walked around and over the low gate picked up the chair and ash tray and mug and walked to a sunny spot at the foot of a pinyon pine tree in the yard and relaxed in the sun a while it was mostly quiet and peaceful I hear someone making noise briefly in neighbor Leos front yard I am guessing hes gone now the vehicles in the yard are different now still the old pickup with camper but the Jeep Wagoneer and the red and white pickup have been gone a few days now in their place a white chevvy? with reddish stripes and a black sport coupe a Camaro I think I also heard the screen door at the front open and close probably it was my jailer but I didnt see anyone having positioned the chair so that I was not directly visible

just after I came back inside I heard a vehicle and saw a beige metallic wagon automobile coming down the cul and parking at the end then I heard a child perhaps it was the youngish woman who wears combat boots when she takes the thin girl child for walks its nice among the trees and the green plants growing out of the pinyon needle mulch mushrooms are growing out there with all the rain of the last month I just farted again is it the beer or the onions in the soup? or mystery flatulance the coffee is almost all gone now and cooled down the summer is closing down and I havent gone camping out this year Bill the Jailer would be left alone without an automobile if I go alone Id have to get supplies or fast while camping also would like to repack my truck that Jodi called Big Red get rid of what isnt needed (like jack stands) and put in what might be needed like a cooler, a bar-b-que, the plastic containers for the implements - pots and pans, sugar and salt, knives and forks, cups and dishes, towels etc. Fill up the water containers. Get dry ice for the cooler/s. Stash a sleeping bag and pillows. Pack a bag.

08/15/97 3:30 PM The peace and quiet today is very soothing to me and conducive to this activity it isnt economic activity so it goes to show ya that there is human activity that is non economic we do feel compelled by cold and heat and hunger and thirst to involve ourselves in some economic activity but I think I have nearly lost interest in Willis Harmans premise about a whole system transformation I do rather like the term he appears to have invented in itself it contains the essence of the evolutionary process that is under way in modern society in the now moment yet infinite consciousness is aware that all is simultaneous and the now moment does seem to have some sort of special status like it is the focal point of

certainty and uncertainty the certainties of the past and the uncertainties of the future a rather sharp point or line of contrast between the two the region where prajna guides where willing and intending come into play maybe an omelet would be nice a few pieces of the bacon from Monday remain a lot of bell pepper a little white onion maybe even some left over scraps of guacamole there is also plenty of cheese but very little bread theres be no onion left and I always begin to feel lost when there is no onion in the house no onion no bacon no bread no fresh milk we may have to cope with doing without some of these items for a while the Jailer had been in the habit of supplying groceries as his contribution to the maintenance of the household but there is not enough gasoline in Big Red to get to the grocery stores he likes to shop at in return for his supplying groceries I give up my peace privacy and freedom of living alone, get to sleep when the Jailer decided to stop making noise, I endure the noises in the kitchen and upstairs all day long since the jailer only leaves for groceries and an occasional ride in my truck Big Red to go who knows where (he has created the impression that he uses the truck Big Red to drive two hundred yards to the park at the corner where there is a basketball hoop The Jailer hasnt done that recently perhaps because there isnt enough gasoline in big red the Jailer spends almost all of his time here in my home sometimes apparently playing cards (it makes the noise that controls my sleeping hours) and viewing TV with the antenna he manipulated from me to use on my TV set upstairs I suppose that the jailer may have decided to wait it out until I need something that will bring me to go and get some get some gasoline for my truck Big Red if theres enough in there to get to the closest gas pump at Kurts Crestone Store

08/15/97 3:45 PM

now that that is done with perhaps its time to cultivate an awareness of the truly extraordinary experiences that have occurred in recent hours days weeks and months and years one thing about this opportunity to write it is limited by aches and pains that come from prolonged sitting and writing even though I have compensated by using a comfortable and wide easy chair with wide arms that I balance a piece of chip board on to support this portable computer the neck gets tired and aches and is aching right now also my legs need to be stretched so I cant sit here continuously all day and all night the truly amazing thing that so easily slips away beneath the surface of consciousness is that I have been experiencing states of consciousness that I have only experienced before with the aid of power plants long ago I decided I wanted to be free of any dependency on power plants that in itself is a an amazing occurrence being here without any chemical substances at all except the occassional beer and cup of coffee or tea none of which are consumed for the purpose of assisting in the induction of desired states of consciousness but for the enjoyment of them for the moment It is truly amazing and I thought it not possible a decade or so ago I was introduced to the daily use of cannabis plant materials by Mary and came to be very attracted to the states of consciousness induced by tetrahyrdocanabinnol but also came to feel like a slave to the plant and wanted freedom from it when the Jailer intruded himself into my life he encouraged and later demanded massive quantities of distilled alcoholic spirits of his choosing I found that I enjoyed the euphoria of alcohol but always believed that I had no attachment that was of an addictive nature and that I could do without alcohol without any craving although the euphoric state was something Ive continued to be attracted too and have given up now for freedom from the bizarre drunken conduct of the Jailer and especially to avoid the abuse the Jailer hurls at me verbally with his voice and physically with his hands like a work of art it is pictured in a vision right now mouth and hands

its hard to visually represent a voice but not impossible waves for one thing acoustic waves vibrations in the air musical symbols as the ear is a receptive device for verbal abuse so too is the tactile nervous system the receptive device for physical abuse already I feel like a break but its barely a half hour this time who regulates breaks and writing activity the aching of the neck I believe so that is amazing too the truth is that I was using distilled spirits provided by the Apprentice Jailer of Sylvia Street in Tucson Arizona in early 1985 there was vodka in the freezer and the AJ made it freely available along with the Mayflower water pipe that was damn nice of the AJ In Perth in 1985 I did get a few bottles of scotch but it wasnt a daily or continuous thing when I came back to Tucson I lived in a roach house not much spirits there but in the Senators place I had some but still occasional now I know that alcohol does indeed slice off the most spiritually inducing effects of cannabis for a while I would occasionally treat myself to a bottle of vodka or scotch I preferred the blue label Smirnoff which was 90 proof or better and could only afford cheap scotch like Ballantines or Scoresby When the Jailer first intruded himself into my life he shared high proof rum with me and he started out with moderate consumption and then escalated it to heavy consumption about the time of the journey to the east

after my return to the US from Australia where I was forced to retreat because the Jailer stole all the money I had left including money borrowed from my brother and parents, the jailer had disciplined his alcohol consumption I think as a condition imposed by Wilbert for residence in his home I think that the Jailer saw me as being of assistance to him in getting a place of his own so he could be free of this discipline as soon as the Jailer was out of the Wilbert home the alcohol consumption escalated to the heavy level and at times began to approach massive consumption levels that were later observed when the jailer arrived in Wyoming the first time I was using spirits daily but was working and drank at night on the second visit the Jailers alcohol consumption habits went out of control there was a pattern of alternation between what might be usually called heavy drinking and what is unquestionably massive levels of consumption unbelievable quantities were consumed by the jailer and my levels of consumption showed some increase but were usually about half or less the jailers It began to be irritating because no matter how much I inventoried the jailer would increase consumption levels and Id be forced to go out and fetch for him it was common for the jailer to badger me to go fetch when the supply was approaching depletion the escalating abuse from a continually drunken jailer eventually lead me to begin to feel a desire for liberation from the cycle of mass consumption followed by abuse from the jailer and then badgering and pressure to procure more it was a huge struggle but I was able to begin to reduce my own consumption the jailer seemed to show no sign of any reduction that became even more irritating since I did still want to indulge even if less than before but the jailer was consuming the whole supply and continuing to badger and pressure me to supply more

in time the abuse escalated to the incident of late September, 1996 when the jailer used his fists to split my lip it was like slow motion the punch came from nowhere at a motionless target it was unexpected and took me surprize the jailer subsequently claimed that he was provoked by verbal statements from me that he took exception too and found insulting For three months I was able to withdraw from the Jailers constant presence at home prior to that I was compelled by a strange force of the Jailers manipulation to keep constant company with the Jailer when I was at home after the Jailers cowardly act of punching my face without any warning I was fortunate to experience a break in that Hypnotic hold on my conduct and was liberated to keep myself company at the same time I was able to also free myself from the Jailers continuous badgering and pressure for alcohol spirits. then I came to Crestone Creek and went back with a vision of moving there the alcohol consumption resumed since the jailer began the badgering manipulation and pressure again upon arrival in Crestone there has been but one time that the Jailer has badgered for spirits and that bottle was consumed rather modestly Now I am free from the Jailers hypnotic manipulation of my conduct and his continuous demands for my close physical presence and most of all from the Jailers massive consumption levels of spirits and the constant badgering and pressure for me to supply him with spirits Now there is the residual irritation of his constant presence and scrutiny of my actions, the distractions he causes with his noisy conduct in the room upstairs and in the kitchen. his confiscation and appropriation of my property and his parasitic dependence on me for the basic requirements of physical maintenance shelter, furniture, electricity, water, transportation, phone

Now as I recount these events I can see a process of liberation which is not complete but which has progressed very substantially it has not however met my expectations since I expected a more significant change with the move from Green River to Crestone Creek I expected less distraction from the Jailer I didnt expect the apparently intentional noises made by card playing that shape my sleep opportunities I didnt expect the almost uninterrupted presence of the jailer in the house However this recounting of the history of liberation from any type of chemical dependence has brought with it a fuller appreciation of the amazing events of liberation that have in fact occurred liberation from dependence on cannabis was accomplished a long time ago liberation from dependence on readily available sex from a readily available resident woman was experienced long before that these are the mutational events along the trail of liberation that begins to make prajna receptivity possible I hope now that by enhancing my awareness of the long process of liberation I will feel less irritated and thus less enslaved by the residual conditions of enslavement and attachment it becomes clear to me now that there has been a common thread through it all and that is of Detachment from the conditions of daily life that cause enslavement first it was detachment from women Mary displaced Gail and then Mary was displaced by impending poverty reincarceration in corporate enslavement brought with it detachment from cannabis dependence cannabis was displaced with the help of spirits now liberation from corporate enslavement and the abusive intrusion of the Jailer has made detachment from alcohol possible should I thank the jailer should I thank Mary should I thank the corporate slavers Maybe

I am thankful

08/15/97 5:13 PM just before the break another phone call this time a request for talk from Darlene Yarbrough the Elaine pawn move was ineffective whats to talk about detachment freedom liberation Is this more than a haven for the Tibetan Liberation Movement is their presence at all like the safe house view that came to me of the complexes built by the church of Rome in Europe in medieval times after the fall of Rome in the west fronts the appearance of spiritual retreats that perhaps are used for more temporal activities but enough of those speculations they are of minor importance to the matters at hand so it is amazing that through these years there has occurred and been experienced this series of detachments and now there is with the level of detachment that has come to be experiences of states of consciousness that are truly satisfying and fulfilling experiences that are similar to earlier experiences that were experienced with the aid of power plants but now are experienced in states of sobriety the amazement is tempered by visions of immanent confinement of the body because of the rules that have been made the courts of the land about conduct that is required of me monetary payments to two women and the tax man all of it residues of a break that was made quite involuntarily years ago two decades ago nearly Mary came along and I felt drawn to her the result was impoverishment and claims

then later the biggest and most damaging claim of all from Mary herself with the aid of a kangaroo court presided over by a judge accused of improprieties in the press in Tucson balancing out this oppressive scenario is the development of prajna which is I am quite confident, made possible by the detachments the evolutionary process defined by the thread of detachments reveal a probable continuation of detachments and suggests that prajna will reveal the course of future detachment there remains the attachment of the Jailer and after todays realizations of the thread of detachment that has remained mostly unconscious in recent days, even if the Jailer has consciously intruded himself into my life for the purpose of assisting in the process of detachment the time appears to be quite probably approaching when detachment of the Jailer will occur either by his own conduct and/or mine yet this is not the only attachments that remain one of them is all the material goods that I have accumulated in seven years another is tobacco smoking the tobacco smoking appears to be the easier attachment to break I am yet to see clearly just what level of material detachment is necessary to achieve the level of liberation that is in view of course the time must come when there will be a necessity for a detachment from this material body itself and all that is attached to it while I remain conscious of this living material body though its a matter of appropriate attachment and this is to be defined by prajna and events but It will not be total and absolute since some level of attachment is necessary as long as the physical consciousness survives even those who claim to be ascetics must eat food and drink water and shield themselves from the extremes of weather to remain alive or simply accept total detachment in the sacrifice and death of their physical consciousness Elisabet Sahtouris has written of her goal to reduce her worldy material belongings to a volume about one cubic meter

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