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Good Research Good Research begins with questions, questions that aim to achieve a greater understanding of a given phenomenon,

and concludes with an opportunity to ask more questions. A research question is the driving force behind the purpose of research and should be intended for a specific audience, but in the process that same question should look to inform multiples audiences. After considerable time has been taken to formulate and structure the appropriate question, good research involves defining a methodology for the gathering of data which provides insight and information to present results or findings in order to ask further questions. Throughout this process, good research involves protecting and respecting all participants, providing them as much information about the research as possible in order for them to make informed decisions whether or not they would like to be involved. In the end, good research should present and interpret data in a way that is concise and direct in order for the intended audience to have an opportunity to think critically about the information and provide for further debate and inquiry.

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