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By Dr. Pazaria Smith

Abstract The Bible promises a special blessing to people who refrain from entanglements with the wicked and their advice, That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not witherwhatever they do prospers. A tree planted by a river is a symbol of abundance, permanence and provision. In contrast the psalmist describes the wicked, Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away.

Introduction We are influenced by a vast array of media advertising as sellers seek to trigger us into buying their goods. The billions of dollars spent in advertising budgets is a testament to their belief that we can be swayed in our decision making.

The most effective marketing is a personal referral. A friends recommendation is held as the gold standard of influence. If a friend shares a great new restaurant, we will likely give it a try. If a diet worked for a friend, then we are likely to give it a whirl.

But how weighty is the influence of friends in regards to more serious issues such as divorce, starting a new business, or disciplining a child. The Bible teaches that the selection of our friends is very important because of the enormous influence they leverage in our lives.

{Proverbs 18} The righteous choose their friends carefully, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.

The old adage bad company corrupts good character resonates with scripture. Our friends do influence us for good or for evil. And the closer the relationship the greater the influence we yield to them. Each of us has concentric circles of relationships. We have more acquaintances than close friends and our closest relationships occupy the positions of confidant and counselor.

{Psalms 1} reveals how we can unwisely allow a relationship to intensify with someone who is immoral and foolish. The psalmist depicts the progression in three steps.

The first step is described as walking with the wicked. Next, the person is pictured as standing in the way of sinners and the progression ends with the person sitting with mockers. Walking, standing and sitting are relationship acts. Close relationships with bad people are often unintentional and progress over time.

If our closest friends are unspiritual, their values and influence are imported into our lives. Ungodly advice can lead us to making terrible decisions. A wise person avoids close relationships with people whose lives are characterized by gossip, vulgarity, anger, bitterness, or immorality. Justified by foolish council, many a spouse has prematurely chosen divorce.

Mothers and Fathers have received an earful of caustic input from unsuccessful parents. Will your life resemble a mighty oak towering like a leafy statue or will it be more like ash driven before the wind?

By Dr. Pazaria Smith Lifestream International Ministries, Inc.

Copyright 2012 Lifestream International Publications

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