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Here is a paragraph from my second assignment As Raph Koster stated, game is always accompanied with learning.

Learning from games has been a trend to replace traditional learning in some cases. In CRISIS CORE FINAL FANTASY VII, these are some of the things you can learn.
[z1]: This sentence to the point I used in the first paragraph. After providing background of the games I started to go back and tie to the main point.

1. Experience can be gained after you experience it CRISIS CORE FINAL FANTASY VII allows you to take Side Quest (the extra missions) to make the game more attracting. You can practice your skills and magic when you are doing the Side Quest. You can be learn more about what skills are like and what their functions then you can do better when you are fighting with the boss.

[z2]: This theory shares similarities with GEEs Practice principle. People are willing to spend a lot of time on tasks because they can gain experience.

There are many NPC(Non-Player-Controlled Character) standing in the city and you can talk to them between two main lines. In some special cases, you can meet some NPC and they will tell you some stories. These stories help you understand the story of the game and something extent to the Final Fantasy VII.

2. Discoveries are helpful In the Side Quest, you can explore each map to gain gold. Sometimes you have to turn around to another side and you can find some precious

Guardian Force and medicine. These things can help a lot when you are trying to kill the boss. Sometimes the skills of the Guardian Force can determine whether you can defeat the enemies. This principle is kind of the extension of Gees discovery principle. In Gees discovery principle, he states that overt telling is kept to a well-thought-out minimum, allowing ample opportunities for the learner to experiment and make discoveries. My principle is kind of extension of GEEs principle.
[z3]: I read through GEEs principles and made some extension according that.

3. Discoveries are not always helpful In one map of the Side Quest, if you explore the map as what you would do in other map, you will regret for what you are doing because a thief will steal one of your most power Guardian Force. You are no longer able to use this Guardian Force in the game later if yours are stolen. CRISIS CORE FINAL FANTASY VII has only one mission like this but I think it is enough to convey this principle to us.
[z4]: This seems to be a strange principle but I am pretty sure with this principle and this one took me some time to figure it out.

4. Luck sometimes is an important key As you are playing a card game, luck is no doubt a very important key to win. In the world of CRISIS CORE FINAL FANTASY VII, luck is also very important. The D.W.M. system is depended on the combinations of three numbers randomly so you will be stronger if you get better combinations of these three numbers. Sometimes when you struggle hard with a very

strong boss, a sudden Guardian Forces skills can help you defeat the boss. This is the principle I did not find in gees essay.
[z5]: I am proud of this part because I find something which did not contained in Gees principles.

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