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William Henderson Advanced Fiction Workshop 11-29-12 Title He was awoken to a buzzing alarm clock that had been

slightly moved just beyond reach. 5:30 A.M. it flashed. He rolled over and glared long enough into the red text of the alarm, enough to permanently remain flashing even when he closed his eyes. He let it go for a few seconds, thinking to himself that it would stop on its on. It continued. Fed up and in complete darkness he clawed for the snooze button missing once, twice, and on the third time he reached too far and knocked the alarm clock off of his nightstand. Frustrated, Alex threw his comforter off of him with such force that most of it ended up on his bedroom floor covering the clock itself. He swung his legs off the side of his bed and reached for the alarm clocks cord and yanked it from its outlet. Momentarily relieved, he left his comforter and clock on his floor and laid back down in his bed. He closed his eyes, but disturbed by the flashing red of the 5:30 he reopened his eyes and reflected on the misfortunate events that had just occurred. Alex always set his alarm clock to precisely thirty minutes before he absolutely had to get out of bed. It was his routine and he had done this since college. It never failed him, for Alex was a young man who was never late. He liked to believe that his

scrupulous regard for being on time uncovered both integrity and respect. It irritated him dearly when others did not treat punctuality as he did. This idea, however, quickly withered and Alex was reminded exactly why he had set his alarm in the first place. As Alex layed in bed, he reflected on the previous Friday at work, the day he had walked into his bosses office to request the next week off. Alex didnt care for work, mostly because of his boss. Richard, or Dick as Alex and a few of his co-workers cautiously called him behind his back. Richard was an extremely obese middle aged man who had a hideous bush mustache, pursed lips, and wheezed when he laughed. Alex could hear that laugh from his cubicle, nearly forty yards from his bosses office which kindly sat on the corner of the fifth floor of his office building overlooking both a park and a parking lot in which all of the Finance Department parked in. Two years and five days, his boss, who had kept count of the last time Alex had requested off, laughingly told him. Alex was sitting in one of two black leather chairs that were strategically angled towards his bosses desk.

Richard, I know this is very short-notice but I need to take this week off to go up to Washington to visit my Dad. This past year hes had plenty of concerns and Ive been really worried about him....

Save me the story, his boss, who was standing over his desk flipping through some papers on his desk, interrupted.

Alex was wide-eyed. Shocked at such a rude interruption from his boss. Richard looked up from stacking papers and folding his arms he glared right at Alex and let out a huge sigh.

Alex, the past few weeks your work ethic has seemed to dwindle. Now I know you mentioned to me weeks ago about your Dads depression, bipolarism, or whatever the hell he has and I clearly told you that you could request off any time that you need. But that was a nearly a month ago. Alex was speechless and wondering where Richard was going with all of this. Richard continued. Since then, youve missed quite a few reports that others around this office and myself have had to pick up the slack on and the reports that you have turned in, well weve had to re-do almost all of them. Frankly, we are all sick and tired of this, Alex. Alex was in his cubicle. Re-organizing things and cleaning his desk when a co-worker, Randy, peered his head into Alexs cubicle. Dick. What an asshole, he said shaking his head. Yeah. Tell me about it, Alex laughingly replied.

Alex, I hate him too and so does most of the department. I heard what he said to you, and I can tell you none of that was true. Hes done nothing. Hes the type to take credit from others. Thats exactly what hes doing, taking your credit. Youre a great guy, a hard-worker, and a pleasure to work with. Dont be put down by that fatass. Hell be gone soon. Unless hes blowing someone up above, no chance in hell corporate, when they get word of this, is going to stand for it. I will tell them myself, Randy whispered. Alex liked Randy, although they hadnt carried their relationship outside of work much besides a few weekly lunches to the downtown area. Randy was married with two kids, he had been with the company nearly eight years and knew pretty much everyone of importance in each department. Randy and Alex both shared the same Alma Mater, and studied in the same program and even shared similar experiences with professors. Everyone around the office loved him and he was always there to assist in anyway possible. In fact, if they had to recruit from within Randy would be the top candidate to replace Richard. Alex and many of his co-workers had hoped that day would come soon.

Hey a few of us are going downtown to Rays, if youre in. I know its late and all, but wed like for you to join us and lunch is on me, Randy said.

Alex leaned backward in his chair for a minute. He liked Randy and the usual lunch crew and loved Rays as well. Sure thing, Alex replied.

Something has got to be done about this. This is completely FUBAR, Randy, peered over his menu. Rays was known for its old fashioned hamburgers and its beer selection. The menus were abnormally large and matched the restaurant's old-timey, sports bar and grill theme with ridiculously large font and a specific cursive type that would appear on the front of a baseball teams jersey. At lunchtime on everyday of the week it was packed with business casual wearing young professionals showing off to one another in attempt for some credibility regarding their importance. Alex was staring down at his menu, he liked The Classic Burger but had decided on trying their Memphis. He had heard it was their best. He placed his menu toward the top of their booth for the waitress upon her arrival. He looked up at Randy. There isnt much I can say to him. That all came out of left field, it was strange. I didnt expect to take this time off with pay. Ive only had three days accumulated vacation. Pretty good considering Ive only been here for four years.

I sure am sick of his shit, Charles, another co-worker claimed. Wow. You know its bad when Charles has a problem with you, Randy added. I have an issue with him because of that internal analysis we worked on a month ago. I sat right across from him as he told the CFO and the CEO that our reports were not accurate due to delays of receiving the information from the individual departments. That was a flat-out lie. They were all accurate and up-to-date. I wondered why the meeting didnt occur for two weeks after we submitted the report to Richard himself. The guy doesnt get to the office until 8am and were all here by six and often he leaves the office before we do too. Just a classic case of a lazy boss with good, honest workers. I dont even know where to start with what he said to you Alex. In all honesty its not worth it, dont get down on it Alex. You nor we want to work for anyone like that Charles said.

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