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Volume I, Issue 1

1st Quarter 2012

Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkais Inaugural Newsletter

With great excitement we are proud to introduce the Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai 2012 First Quarterly Newsletter! Special thanks to Aki Fukuhara-Vaughn for volunteering to create this beautiful newsletter. Her ability to conceptualize, design and edit this newsletter is a testament to her dedication to our kenjinkai. Thank you, Aki! We ask all of you to help us with stories and photos and submit any suggestions for future publications. We hope you find this newsletter informative and enjoy the news.

2012 Shinnenkai Party

The Shinnenkai (New Year) party was held once again at the Miyako Hotel in Little Tokyo, and this years event drew 90 attendees! President, Arlene Nakamura, wished everyone a Happy New Year and welcomed everyone to the luncheon. Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai member, Terry Hara, Deputy Police Chief of the LAPD, gave an inspired speech for the coming year. Henry Yasuda welcomed everyone as well in Japanese. A short business meeting was then held with reports from Treasurer, Michiko Otaya and Fujinkai President, Helen Yasuda.

Arlene Nakamura

2012 Board Members Named

A new board was announced at the January 22 Shinnenkai Party. Please welcome your 2012 Board Members: Richard Fukuhara, President Arturo Yoshimoto, Vice President Candace Watase, Secretary Naomi Suenaka, Treasurer Richard Fukuhara, a Sansei and son of past president, Henry Kiyoshi Fukuhara, is a professional photographer, artist and community activist. He lives in Orange and has two children: Julia, an oncology nurse at the City of Hope in Duarte, and Derek, a professional skateboarder and co-owner of Shred ED skateboard school. Vice President, Arturo Yoshimoto, came to the U.S. in 1992 from Peru where his fathers family were members of the Peru Yamaguchi Kenjinkai. He is a real estate broker and married to Lea, an attorney. They live in Monterey Park with their four small children: Twins Manami and Kysa (9), Remi (7) and Shogo (3). New Secretary, Candace Watase is a Sansei who grew up in West Los Angeles. She is a retired elementary school teacher and lives in Whittier with her husband, Kenneth, an attorney. Their daughter, Lauren, lives and works in Honolulu, Hawaii, as a marketing director for Expedia.
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Terry Hara

Helen Yasuda announced the dissolution of the Fujinkai (Womens Auxiliary). Helen thanked the many women for their dedicated service over the years since the Fujinkais inception in Helen Yasuda 1980. Future service at events will be handled by the Hospitality Committee, made up of both men and women. After the meeting, Arlene introduced the 2012 Board and handed the gavel to the new president, Richard Fukuhara. Richard presented thank you plaques to outgoing president, Arlene Nakamura, and outgoing treasurer, Michiko Otaya. After lunch was served, entertainment was provided by harmonica impresario, Gene Takahashi, who played wellknown Japanese songs. Henry Yasuda brought forward longtime member, Mr. Masao Shimizu. Mr. Shimizu, a soldier with the
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Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai Newsletter1st Qtr 2012

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2012 Shinnenkai PartyContd from pg. 1

442nd regiment of World War II, had been awarded the Congressional Gold Medal of Honor from President Barack Obama. The Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai presented Mr. Henry Yasuda, Masao Shimizu Shimizu a special award to honor his service to our & Richard Fukuhara. country. Members of over 80 years of age were honored and presented gifts. Arlene and Richard then gave a slide show presentation of "2011 in Review." Included in the presentation was the September 23 - October 2, 2011 trip to Beijing, and both the 3rd Yamaguchi World Grand Meeting & National Sports Day in Yamaguchi. Arlene then led everyone in a Japanese version of California Here We Come that the group sang at the reception hosted by the Prefectural Government.

2012 BoardContd from pg. 1

Treasurer, Naomi Suenaka, is a Sansei born in Los Angeles, and the daughter of past president, Richard Kingo Suenaka. She is retired from the L.A. Unified School District and worked as teacher, Assistant Principal, Principal, and HR administrator, and is currently a Board Member of The Grateful Crane Ensemble, a non-profit theater group. Naomi is married to Doyle Derr and lives in Whittier.

Arigato 2011 Board Members

The Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai members would like to thank the 2011 Board for their time and service. A very special arigato goes to Arlene Nakamura for serving her three years as president with great distinction. The club made the unprecedented decision in 2009 to select Arlene, the first woman president in the clubs history. She worked hard and proved to any doubters that the selection committee made a very wise choice, indeed.

Delegation to Beijing and Yamaguchi singing California Here We Come in Nihongo. Bingo games were hosted by Naomi Suenaka and finally, raffle prizes were won by all attendees. The 2012 Shinnenkai party was a wonderful success and everyone had a fun time. We hope you join us next year at the 2013 Shinnenkai party! Thank you for your service, 2011 Board! Arturo Yoshimoto, Naomi Suenaka, Arlene Nakamura, Michiko Otaya & Richard Fukuhara.

Scholarship Applications
Special thanks to LAPD Deputy Police Chief Terry Hara for taking time from his busy schedule to attend the luncheon; Gene Takahashi for sharing his talent; Bruce Thompson for providing photos from the Beijing and Yamaguchi trip; and, as always, thank you to Kosuke Okamoto for donating the beautiful azalea centerpieces that were raffled off to lucky winners!
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Scholarship applications are available to graduating seniors who are descendants of Yamaguchi. Contact Scholarship Chairperson, Arlene Nakamura, by email: or by phone: 626-281-6548.


Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai Newsletter1st Qtr 2012

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Member Profile: Mitsuko Yamamoto

Where were you born? I was born in Visalia, California. My family returned to Japan when I was an infant. When I was 18 years old, I returned to San Francisco with a cousin and began working at the Presidio as a school girl for various lieutenants and colonels from 1935 until the evacuation order. What kind of work did you do? As a youngster in Japan, I helped my family on the farm and by babysitting my younger siblings. At 18, here in the U.S., I was a school girl which meant that I helped families by cooking, cleaning and babysitting their children while I attended school. Where were you during WWII? From San Francisco, I was sent to Santa Anita Relocation Center. I was a single girl traveling alone and it was a scary experience. We were put on a train with all of the windows covered up so we could not see where we were going. No one dared to look out. We were told that we should not have anything that might show allegiance to Japan, so I burned all of my photos of my family in Yamaguchi. Included in those that I had to burn were photos of my younger brother who was in Japan and eventually died in the war. The sad thing was that no one ever checked my bag for any photos, so I didn't really have to burn them. Later, I was sent to Heart Mountain, Wyoming where I was reunited with my older sister and her family. Whom did you marry and when? I married John Kiyoshi Yamamoto in 1944. We were given a pass to leave camp and go to Cody, Wyoming to be married. What kind of work did you do after the war? I was a stay-athome mother until my daughters were in junior high school. Then I took a job as a seamstress. Do you have children / grandchildren? I have two daughters and 4 grandchildren. Do you have a special memory? Yes, one memory is of my childhood in Yamaguchi: Since I was one of 8 children, everyone had chores to do on the family farm. My job was to sweep the floors in the morning. Then during lunch break at school, when many of my classmates stayed at school to eat and play, I had to rush home to eat and

With my daughters and their husbands. then make rope that the family would use on the farm. I learned the value of hard work and responsibility at a young age. Another special memory is when I was a young adult in San Francisco, working at the Presidio as a school girl, the Prince and Princess of Norway came to visit the Presidio. I was one of several kimono-clad Japanese girls who was asked to help serve at their dinner. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? Before I lost most of my vision to macular degeneration, I would attend many senior classes like kimekomi (doll making), taisho koto (musical instrument) and crafts classes. Since those activities required very sharp vision, I could no longer continue. Now watching the soap opera "Bold & Beautiful" while eating lunch is my enjoyment. I also look forward to each season of "American Idol" and "Dancing with the Stars" (and especially enjoyed the times Having a great time playing the slots. that Kristi Yamaguchi & Apolo Ono won. I voted for them). I keep up with things by watching the local news and I like to watch Japanese programs on Channel 18-2.


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Join Us at Our Annual Picnic!

PicnicJune 24, 2012
Held at Elysian Park's Leo Politi Picnic Ground on the last Sunday in June, our annual summer picnic is one of the highlights of the kenjinkai. It is a time to renew acquaintances and to bind the young and old generations. The children--even toddlers-compete in races, sometimes dropping their diapers while competing. The pre-teenagers run the 3-legged races while the over-70s and 80s pick up daikon and carefully trot to the finish line. It's a time when we commonly see four generations sharing the shade of a tree as well as sharing laughter, memories, food and shaved ice! It's a fun time for all!

3rd Yamaguchi World Grand Meeting

Below are photos submitted by Arlene Nakamura from the Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai conference in Yamaguchi, Japan in September, 2011

Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai Delegation with Yamaguchi Governor Sekinari Nii.

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of our dear friend and prominent kenjinkai member, Mr. Kosuke Okamoto. His unexpected death on April 20 has left a void in our hearts. There will be a special section in next quarter's Newsletter devoted to the life of this kind and generous man.

Nanka Yamaguchi Kenjinkai President, Arlene Nakamura, presenting Governor Sekinari Nii with our gift, a beautiful framed piece of the City Hall from Richard Fukuharas Tapestries of L.A. collection. The Kintai-kyo Bridge has been Iwakuni's, Yamaguchi Prefecture, most distinguished landmark and a subject of admiration for hundreds of years. Completely made of wood and without the use of any nails, the bridge makes five bold arches onto massive stone pillars as it crosses over the Nishiki River. Did you know that Japan has had 9 prime ministers from Yamaguchi? We can proudly say that this is more than any other prefecture. Did you know that Yamaguchi was the first prefecture in Japan to lift the ban on eating Fugu (Globefish)? Fugu was selected as the prefectural fish in 1989.
### 12/10/12 ###

2012 Board Richard Fukuhara.................................... President Arturo Yoshimoto ............................. Vice President Candace Watase ..................................... Secretary Naomi Suenaka ....................................... Treasurer Newsletter Publisher & Contributors Aki Fukuhara-Vaughn ....... Arlene Nakamura .... Richard

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