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Working in Confined Construction Spaces


The usual hazards that one would find on a construction site are intensified when conducted in a confined space such as a trench or excavation. The danger of working in these spaces is that there may be contaminants that may be flammable or may not have a safe level of oxygen. Another possible danger when working in confined spaces is engulfment from a liquid or free flowing solid. On a construction site some examples of confined spaces include pits, roof spaces, lift wells, tunnels, man holes, sewers,

trenches and excavations and basements. Workers entering a confined space should be trained in: nature of hazards associated with confined spaces precautions that need to be taken Proper use of PPE Emergency case procedures Personnel must be adequately trained in rescue and first aid Follow defined entry procedures review if it is necessary to work in the space, could the work be substituted with a less hazardous work activity? All workers should wear appropriate PPE. Ensure engineering controls are in place to separate other workers from the hazard. Determine if there is a need to set up additional training, maintain supervision, develop rosters and do whatever is necessary to ensure safety in the confined space is maintained.


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