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Journal 10 Tim Overby Ms. Hollingsworth Senior Project 26 Nov.

2012 Solving the Riddle Throughout my observation experience at the army recruiting station, I learned new information about the military and the benefits it can provide. I learned about obtaining college credits through training and being able to specialize in specific areas. During Senior Project, I have been writing what seems like paper after paper. I have always felt that my writing skills needed improvement, and Senior Project helped me reach a writing skill that I can take and apply in the future. Although I disliked the idea of Senior Project in the beginning, it helped me decide to enlist in the Air Force after my eighteenth birthday. In the beginning of Senior Project, I sat in my chair wishing I could have gone to basic training over the summer and start my life in the Army. Senior Project made me do more research than I probably initially would have. However, every bit of research on the military helped me decide which branch would best suit me and my goals. After a multitude of hours on the internet, researching and writing what feels like a hundred papers, Senior Project helped me see that my first choice would have been a mistake. I hope to explain my epiphany in my upcoming career presentation. Even though I am nervous about the speaking, I hope my thoughts will flow fluently and my words even more so. I appreciate having done Senior Project because it helped change my future and what could have been a drastic and hasty mistake on my part.

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