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At the age of 65 years, India is too young a country and hence needs to keep upd ating and or amending

its constitution keeping in mind genuine set of national c oncerns. Politicians come and politicians go, but, it is the mother earth that w e live on, must be protected. Democracy must be protected. Under the constitution of Pakistan, no Sikh can ever become the President of the country. Article 41(2) of Pakistan constitution makes the law very clear without any need for clarifications. Similarly, under constitution of Pakistan, no Christian can ever become a Prime Minister of the country. Article (91-5) of Pakistan constitution makes the law m akes it clear . Such laws do prevail in the United Kingdom also. In the UK only an Anglican Chri stian can be the Prime Minister. Even Disraeli had to shun Jewish religion to be come Prime Minister of United Kingdom. Should India too have similar laws? What if a famous singer from Pakistan, now settled in India marries an Indian?Wi ll he become eligible for the post of PM of India...As per prevailing laws...YES ? MP of a national party was declared a Nepali citizen who had sneaked into India. Had SC not intervened, could he have become eligible for post of PM of India? A s per prevailing laws...YES. We have actresses living in Mumbai from ,Sri Lanka, England, Afghanistan, Pakist an. If one of them decides to marry an Indian will she be eligible for the post PM of India? As per prevailing laws..YES A private member's Bill has been introduced in the parliament on 7th Dec. It say s "ONLY A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN OF INDIA SHOULD BE ELIGIBLE TO HOLD OFFICE OF PRE SIDENT,VICE PRESIDENT AND PRIME MINISTER" There is a self appointed SECULAR brigade in India supported and encouraged by Main St ream Media, which would like to create an opinion against the bill indirectly sh owing loyalty to a particular dynasty in India. That being a typical Indian mind living with colonial mind set.......still. Every individual has an opinion. Even you have. Would you like express your opin ion? DESH UBAL RAHA HAI. PAPPU JAAG GAYA HAI. let us CHANGE INDIA for INDIA OF TOMORROW.

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