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Romualdo Bravo Morales BSCOE Assignment Accidents: 1)Car Accident -always wear your seatbelt, dont be too fast

in driving your car, and follow the safety rules and regulations. 2) Motorcycle Accident -always wear your helmet; follow the safety rules and regulations. 3) Construction Accident -always put warnings of any dangers inherent in the site and the work to be done there, always wear your construction helmet. 4) Boating Accidents -always wear your life jackets, avoid bad weathers and hazardous waters, all boating accidents could be prevented with a good look-out. 5) Bicycle Accidents - Always wear your helmet, dont be too fast in driving your bike. 6) Work Accident -avoid dangerous machinery; follow the safety rules and regulations. 7) Public Accidents - avoid trips and falls caused by uneven pavement; avoid slips from a wet floor surface. 8) Animal Attack Accident -avoid dangerous or wild animals like lion, tiger etc. 9)Road Traffic Accident -always use the pedestrian lanes in crossing the highways and national roads. 10) Airplane Accidents -always check first the plane, all things in it must be in good condition, follow the safety rules and regulations.

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