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1.1 WIDE: V.O. "Mark Warner seems like a nice guy. He seems to really have the interest of the people in mind. But is that really the case?"

1.2 V.O. (cont.) "Warner made his millions by conducting insider trading in a federal resale on cell phone towers. How man millions? He made $150 million in just ten years."

1.3 V.O. (cont.) "He fashions himself a man of the people, but his million-dollar estate would suggest he's never spent time using his hands to do hard work."

1.4 V. O. (cont.) "When Warner was runnig for governor in Virginia, he promised to not raise taxes. Just one year into his governorship, he passed multiple tax increases."

1.5 V.O. "He failed as a member of the 'Gang of Six,' being unable to nd any compromise on budget reform."

1.6 V.O. "Warner supports Obama's plans, such as the Affordable Care Act, Stimulus, and he even wants to raise taxes during a time of recession."

1.7 V.O. "Warner is not a breath of fresh air. He is a continuation of the policies of the past administration. Don't let the next four years look like the last four."

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