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1.1 MEDIUM CLOSE UP: Tim Pawlenty outdoors, walking. "Hi, I'm Tim Pawlenty. You know, the current state of affairs in Washington is quite troubling." 1.2 MONTAGE: Shots of debates, white house, congress, yelling politicians, News clips - "Gridlock in Washington," "Discussions stall," etc. Dark and textured lter. "Partisanship runs rampant and there is no action to begin to x many of the problems our nation faces today. Meanwhile, the debt continues to soar, unemployment is holding steady above 8%, and people are unsure of their future." 1.3 CLOSE UP: Tpaw, original setting. "People are sick of it, and so am I. During my time as governor of Minnesota, I didn't have the luxury of unchained spending. I was left with a $350 million decit when I became governor. I got it balanced, despite a Democratic congress"

1.4 MONTAGE: Photos: TPaw shaking hands of other politicians, working with average citizens, taking a phone call, etc. "During my tenure, I found ways to work with Democrats to enact legislation that kept government small. 123 times I vetoed attempts to increase state spending. We had enough government expenditures as it was, I didn't need to add any more to that."

1.5 PAN: TPaw in original setting "As governor, I kept the government out of the personal lives of the people, and we had a time of unprecedented economic growth in the state."

1.6 MONTAGE: Different shots of workers - factory, farmer, retail "When the people are free from government inuence, they ourish I rmly believe that."

1.7 MEDIUM CLOSE UP: TPaw in original setting "As president, I will work to bring government back down to an appropriate size. I will stop runaway budgets and bring down a debt that is debasing our currency. I want every American to live in a country without economic bonds that restrict them. They should be free to pursue whatever path their abilities let them. I'm Tim Pawlenty, and I hope to be the next president of the United States of America."

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