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Chicken Floritiene By Spencer Leggett

Serving size 2 10 minutes prep time 20 minute cook time Note: you can serve over your chose of pasta get pot of water on stove bring bring to boil add pasta and stir occsionaly do this from the start while chicken breast are cooking

sautee pan tongs pasta strainer

4 chicken breasts bonless skinless 4TB of extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup of flour 1 tsp of chopped Garlic 2 cups of white whine 2 cups of baby spinach 1/4 of parmeasan cheese

1.Coat your chicken with all purpose flower seasoned with salt and pepper 2.Heat your sautee pan with extra virgin olivie oil 3.once your pan is good and hot (you shouldnt see any smoke from your pan) Place your chicken breast in the pan 4. Cook your chicken breasts for 3-5 minutes on medium heat. turn your chicken breast over and cook for 2 minutes then add a tsp of Garlic and cook for 30 seconds then add a 1/4 cup of white whine. 5.Cook whine down for 5 minutes then add 2 cups of chicken stock (store bought is fine) Reduce stock down by half. 6. Add 2 cups of spinach and 1/4 cup of parmeasan cheese stir into your sauce with take of heat immeditley.

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