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Validator Name: Profession: Question 1. Eats meal three times a day. 2. Drinks 6-8 glasses of water a day. 3.

Eats fruit and vegetable every day. 4. Exercise daily. 5. Drink and eat dairy products (milk,cheese) daily. 6. I can easily see the words when I read. 7. I hold a book very close/near when reading. 8. I write in a straight line. 9. I can easily copy the words from the board. 10. I finish the activity given to us in time. 11. I participate in our class discussion. 12. I get high scores in quizzes. 13. I cooperate with my classmates during activities. 14. I understand our lesson for the day. 15. I participate in school competitions such as quiz bee, sports fest, etc. Signature: Comment

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