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UA&P Students Stan d Agai nst th e RH Bi ll

We recognize the TRUTHS that:

Life begins at fertilization

Maternal and natal health are vital concerns

Individuals must be educated properly about human sexuality

Poverty is a problem in our society that must be addressed

We are AGAINST any law that:


Disregards the dignity of the human person at the onset of life

Therefore these..


a fertilized ovum is

are abortifacients

Whole Separate Unique Living


and other methods that harm the fertilized ovum such as those that prevent implantation

Contraception leads to more abortion due to contraceptive mentality



Puts the welfare of women at stake by providing options that harm them
Therefore, provide : And do not promote :
Hormonal and Chemical contraceptives that destroy natural balances and cycles in the womans body

Situation of maternal health in the country needs to be addressed:


Health Systems

Health Facilities

Proper Health Care


Instills a distorted idea of human sexuality and violates the rights of parents

> is the Right and Duty of parents to their children > Parents, by nature, are the rst educators of their children >Any law against this violates the parents dignity but of the child as well

Education on

> Will threaten the Family and will undermine the natural rights of parents if mandated in the classroom > Govt sex ed is a utilitarian and an impersonal education on human sexuality >Creates a mindset that trivializes the dignity of sex and of the human being; focus merely biological aspects and undmindful of the whole person


Human Sexual i ty


Looks at the poor as the problem and not at poverty itself

/ =


Population control does not attack the problem; instead it attacks and oends the victims of the problem. Right approach: Eradicate corruption and establish long-term and sustainable human development



Poor Health and Education Services

Lack of Infrastractures and Opportunities

There is no reason to directly relate population with poverty

...are not very dicult to see as players in the increasing incidence poverty.

We are aware that some good principles and sincere intentions underpin the RH Bill. However, while it seeks legitimate and even noble ends, it proposes unacceptable means. The RH Bill, as it is written, appears unmindful of the real worth of the human person and the right values from which genuine social stability arise. Even if the RH Bill aims to address real issues, its eventual eect is to establish a culture of lost values, mistaken attitudes, and misled lifestyles wherein one lives for oneselnstead of the others. In other words, the RH Bill promotes a culture of death. For these reasons, we oppose the RH bill.

In his book, the philosopher, Donald DeMarco (1999) cited gures from studies made insome countries in Europe that showed how among couples who had the habit of contracepting (England) or right after contraception was fully legalized (Sweden) or where contraception was almost unrestricted (Switzerland).abortions were much higher. The gures in these studies show compelling evidence that increased contraception does not reduce the incidence of abortion but instead tends to establish a contraceptive mentality which in turn, leads to more abortion. (Italics provided in the original quote.) --Quote from Handbook of Truths Behind the Reproductive Health Bill (

Conception icon by Luis Prado, from the Noun Project; Plate icon by Joanna Smolonska, from The Noun Project; Poison icon by Luis Prado, from the Noun Project; Skull icon by Matthew Hock, from The Noun Project; Corruption icon by United Unknown, from The Noun Project; City icon by inna belenkey, from The Noun Project; All other icons are for public domain use

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