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New life Queretaro

Merry Christmas from Queretaro, Mexico! During this time we have really seen the hand of God on the missionary work in Queretaro. After a very difficult time waiting to see what direction this project would take, we can say today that God desires a New Life church here in Queretaro.

Many things happened during the visit of the Carrillo family, Wes Kennedy and Pastor Chris Ophus, who is now in charge of this project. We had a soccer tournament with prizes for the youth of the neighborhood. We had a great turnout of 70 youth! It was a huge blessing because they were asking us when we were going to start having services and if we would come back for another tournament. They are ready and open to receive and interact with us. We had such a great visit with the Carrillo family who have a passion to serve God in a ministry outside of the U.S and a heart for the disadvantaged. They really opened a new perspective to what is happening here in Queretaro and what God could do with them here. Wes Kennedy has a passion for troubled youth and has also done musical concerts in different places in Queretaro. The Carrillos and Wes are praying about the possibility of coming and helping with the New Life church plant. Carrillo Family. Many things were made clear when Pastor Chris Ophus was here. We were able to put together a team of 4 families who will help us in the process of launching a New Life church. They are: The Covarrubias family, the Landarte family, the Alvarez family and us, the Rangel family. We will work together to organize and start the church that will be held in our back yard in our neighborhood San Jose El Alto. New Life is supporting us in many ways to be able to start this project. When Pastor Ophus was here, we met with the families and decided that the best time to launch a New Life church would be September of 2013. For the next several months we will be making the yard a place where we can have services, planning the structure of the church and bringing in the strategies that New Life has to reach out to the community, doing outreach activities in the neighborhood to simply get to know people. We are also focusing on team unity with the 4 families because some of them don't know each other very well. It's so neat to see something new happening in Queretaro that has never happened before. Just the fact that there is a group of people here in Queretaro from different denominations that are working towards the same goal that the name of Jesus would be known in all Queretaro has never happened before and is impressive to us. Every 2 weeks we are meeting with Pastor Ophus online with the purpose of discussing as a team the strategies and vision of New Life. We would like to meet online with different leaders of New Life that are in charge of different ministries to hear their experience and advice so we can get an idea of what ministries would fit in the context of our neighborhood. We invite you to be a part of this project. How? In prayer, in coming to work short or long term, or in supporting us financially. You can be a part of the first international New Life church in Queretaro!

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