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Guided by Presented by Sri. Premkumar. J S.L.Rajesh Senior Lecturer S2,M.Tech(MMD) Mechanical Engineering Dept.

Poles and Pole triangles

Moving lamina, M. Arbitrary points, A & B and

moving lamina represented by line AB. Poles are , and

A rotation of

about brings lamina from position 1 to 2. The triangle is called the Pole triangle. Pole triangle is on fixed plane F and the angle (of the pole triangle) at the vertex is either equal to or differs by

Opposite-pole Quadrilateral
Three successive movements of

lamina M ,ie., 4 finitely separated configs. , , and 6 poles (shown in fig) Opposite-pole quadrilateral is the one whose diagonals connect two pairs of opposite poles. In total, 3 pairs of opposite poles.
( , ) ( , ) ( , )
Using these 6 poles, 3 opposite

pole quadrilaterals can be drawn.

( ) ( ) ( )

Circle-Point Curve and Center-Point Curve

For given

, , , and with arbitrary choice of , a unique curve on M exists such that all s lie on a circle as M takes up four specified positions.

This curve is called the

circle-point curve and the points on this curve are referred to as circle points.

The centre of the circle ,on which a circle point lies in its four

positions, is called center point (lies on the fixed plane). When the converse case (ie. M being fixed plane and F the moving plane) is taken, the poles , and lie on the circle-point curve drawn in This is because in does not move as M goes from to The center-point passes through all six poles associated with

Uses the theorem,

Two opposite sides of any opposite pole quadrilateral subtend angles at a center point that are either equal or differ by .Conversely, at any point where two opposite sides of any opposite-pole quadrilateral subtend angles that are either equal or differ by is a center point. and are the midnormals of two opposite sides. and are chosen such that <


Since ,<

=( and

- )CCW


=( =( (

+ ) CW - )- ) CCW


must be a center point

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