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Process Paper

I originally did not have this topic, then when we started looking at examples I saw one also on the Eiffel Tower and asked if I could do this one. The reason I really wanted to do this is because I really love the Eiffel Tower. Doing the history fair on the Eiffel Tower was perfect because it was something that changed history. It is interesting learning more about the tower. The first part of my project was to do the home page. I added a picture of the Eiffel tower, typed a thesis, and did research for a quote from Gustave Eiffel. The second part of my website was when I did research for the Facts page, the History page, and the In The Making page. once i found some information, some of it did not have the dates of what happened, so I looked up some dates. Then I did my Papers tab that had my process paper and bibliography. Then I had to figure out how to play audio in the background. I chose to do a website because it would best capture the Eiffel Tower. It really helped get the picture of what happened when it was being built, why it was built, and what it looks like now. Websites are fun to do because I could make it anyway i wanted and I could add anything I wanted, unlike a backboard. My website reflects on the theme of "Architecteral changing points in history." The Eiffel Tower changed history for everyone. It provides a fun and beautiful place to visit. The Eiffel Tower results in the changing of land, entertainment, and it represents

an important revolution in history.

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