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Satish Kesavan

Key points
Can our process deliver high performance? Process design determines the performance. How can a process live to its potential if an organization measures performance at it has always done and reward people for focusing on narrow, functional goals? Is our enterprise ready for high performance processes? Stronger organizational capabilities make for stronger enablers, which allow for better process performance. One units pioneering experiences can energize an entire organization. When high performance processes break down, companies can use PEMM to find out what ails them.

PEMM (Process and Enterprise Maturity Model)

Used to deliver high performance over time. Five process enablers: - design - performers - owner - infrastructure - metrics Four process capabilities: - leadership - culture - expertise - governance

My Views
In this article, the author discusses about the importance of PEMM which includes five process enablers and four enterprise capabilities. He has also mentioned about how to assess and evaluate the maturity of our enterprise. He has concluded the article saying that PEMM framework doesnt make the road to process transformation easy to traverse which means the executives have to do a lot of difficult work to design the high performance processes. On the whole, I agree with the article and it is an excellent article for all big organizations who fail to deliver high performance results.

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