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Masterand: CIUCU Livia-Felicia Grupa: 5712M

- 2012 -

Modelul construit are urmtoarele dimensiuni:

Lungime maxim: 82.2 m; Lime maxim: 14.4 m; nlime de construcie: 6.76 m;

Pentru generarea corpului navei s-au folosit urmtoarele curbe i suprafee:

- Midship Curve: Create Curve- Free Field Curve name Parameters End 1 End2 Entry Midship Curve Control Points= 3, Max. Degree=2 L=0, T=0, V=0 L=0, T=7.2, V=6.76

- Bilge Circle: Create Curve-Arc Field Curve Name Plane Centre Angles Semi axes Entry Bilge Circle Front L=0; T=7.2; V=2 Start: 0; End: 360 Circular: checked; Radius :2

- Foreship: Create Surface- Extrude Field Surface name Vector Col mesh Entry Foreship L= +41.1 Number = 3, Max. Degree= 2

- Aftship: Create Surface- Extrude Field Surface name Vector Col mesh Entry Foreship L= -41.1 Number = 3, Max. Degree= 2

- Bow thruster Field Curve name Plane Angles Radius Entry Circle Side Start: 0 end: 360 0.5

Field Curve name Plane Type Source Curve Host

Entry Thruster Circle Side 2 Circle Foreship

Field Surface name Curves

Entry Thruster Circle ; Thruster circle

- Deck Camber: Create Curve- Camber Field Curve Name Projected Dimensions Entry Deck Camber Front Half radio button selected; Breadth: 8 m; Height: 0.1

- Fwd Sheer: Create Curve-Free Field Curve Name Parameters End 1 End 2 Entry Fwd Sheer at Centerline Control Points = 4; Max Degree = 3 L=0, T=0, V=+6.5 L=+42, T=0, V=+6.5

- Aft Sheer: Create Curve-Free Field Curve Name Parameters End 1 End 2 Entry Aft Sheer at Centerline Control Points = 4; Max Degree = 3 L=0, T=0, V=+6.5 L=-42, T=0, V=+6.5

- Foredeck: Create Surface-Sweep Field Surface name Pattern Curves Guide Curves Options Entry Foredeck Deck Camber Fwd Sheer at Centerline Parallel: Centerline

- Aftdeck: Create Surface-Sweep Field Surface name Pattern Curves Guide Curves Options Entry Aftdeck Deck Camber Aft Sheer at Centerline Parallel: Centerline

Materials and thickness 1. Select surface; 2. Click on proprieties; 3. Click edit; 4. Choose the material and entre the thickness.

Hydrostatic report 1. Select all the surface of the ship and click on arrange then click group; 2. Select the group; 3. Click proprieties 4. Select Stbd+Port then click ok; 5. Click report; 6. Click create; 7. Click hydrostatic; 8. Enter the depth then click ok.

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