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The days we find out are topics my teacher gave me a slip with different topics and I chose three.

Then I numbered them in order of how much I wanted them. The next day my teacher picked up the list then she told us what our topic is an I got my number one chose of a topic. But how I chose the Reannsince was I always heard about The Renaissance so I wanted to learn about the Renaissance so what better way to learn about a topic then do a project about the it. When I found five websites to use I wrote article summaries for the website. So instead of typing some of the paper then I needed more information I went back to the website I could look at my article summaries. Then I realized that I needed more information that was not in my any of article summaries I look it up. When I found out my topic I had to desired how I was going to persistent it I happen to be good with computers and i love to be on them so to me it was a no brainier to me to pick a website. Also my dad is great with computers too so if i troubles my dad would be there to help me. My project relates to the theme "turning points in history because The Renaissance was a big time of change and with change something else has most likely changed too. So my topic does relate to this years theme "turning points in history". Also with out the Renaissance our life would not be the same our life as we know it would be completely different.

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