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An Open Letter to the North Ridgeville Monsters :Wyatt Cravatas

Hello, It has come to my attention that you have recently been spreading your ideologies throughout your school. This is not an effort to ridicule your beliefs, its simply an attempt to get you to rethink them, and reconsider how you display them. Id like to start with a few key points which you made in one of your statuses on Facebook, and also in the comment section. I agree with some of your political views, but many of your religious opinions are ridiculous. To be quite frank, you and your gang are behaving like a group of impressionable ignoramus. You are attempting to portray yourself as some sort of intellectual, when in fact you have only looked at these theories through the eyes of your religious conjectures. You appear to be intelligent; if not, you at least have a desire to learn, that I can tell. It would be a shame to lose one of the few thinking minds of our generation to religious dogma.

At 11:11 am on December 21st there will be many earthquakes due to a polar shift, where North and South switch positions. It happens every couple of thousands of years.

First off, the, 11:11 on December 21st myth was forcefully pushed into circulation by the Roman Catholic Church in the mid-19th century. Pope Gregory deliberately assembled a team of mathematicians to organize the Gregorian calendar on a basis which met the original Mayan calendar. The team entered their studies with the sole intent to assure that the end of the Mayan age would be interpreted to end on this date and this time without any previous research into comparison of the Mayan and Gregorian calendar. They conducted their studies with mathematical presuppositions rather than historical open-mindedness. Also, there is no geological evidence of polar shifts happening on a periodical basis. If there was such a thing as perpetual polar shifts in history because of solar alignments, geologists and astronomers would be frantically working to insure the instilment of society in the time beyond this upcoming alignment. Based on many other of your mentions of The Bible and allusions to the book of revelations I dare make the inference that you are a Christian Fundamentalist. Your belief in perpetual polar shifts is a direct contradiction to your Christian fundamentalism. This is one of many of your beliefs which are contradictory.

There will then be 3 days of darkness that the Bible describes as "so dark one cannot see their own hands in front of their face". There will be no starlight, moonlight, sunlight, or electricity.

I could write books about the incredibility of The Bible, but there are a few points that I would like to make. Im sure that you will disregard them as Atheist Dogma, and use the same form of circular reasoning used to credit your own beliefs, to reassure yourself of them. Nevertheless, it does not make them any less of historical fact and I still feel it is my duty to make them. I can see that you are making a reference to the book of revelation. The book of Revelation simply put, is fiction! The primary reason it was inducted into Constantine's Bible at the Council of Nicea is that it was written by John of Patmos at a time that was shortly after the death of Christ. It is a misconception that this John was the same John as John the Apostle, or John the Evangelist. You wouldnt interpret Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy as biblical fact would you? However, I assure you if it was written at the same time, and by the same author of Revelation, it would be known as the final book of the Bible today. If the same text was written by another Christian Philosopher of the time, it would have been discarded with the Book of Enoch, and the other books thrown out of the bible. Another reason Revelations was included was the same reason that Modern Christianity was formed, political unity. As previously stated I could go on for an eternity about the form of modern Christianity and corruption and censoring in the early Christian church, but I will allow you to do your own research. Another point: under what circumstances would the earth be in the dark state which you described? Under what circumstances would there be no starlight, moonlight, sunlight or electricity. These claims need some naturalistic explanation other than earthquakes, all this could not occur simply because of earthquakes. Without a possible naturalistic explanation, this becomes a supernatural event. When youre dealing with matters as crucial as the lives of the majority, supernatural hypotheses have no room for argument. Supernatural events can have no factual evidence behind, because of a lack of understanding. When you are hypothesizing supernatural events to occur, you are proclaiming forces beyond the laws of nature to come true without any facts behind it. This means your rationale is faith based, you're coming to a conclusion with no evidence, and therefore none of your statements should be taken literally. Your theory bares no fact and should be scrutinized for its lack of logic and effort. The supernatural deals with faith and only faith. Your entire theory is nothing but a matter of faith. I could not understand why any person would begin to believe these things without pursuing any form of evidence to back up your claims.

But Christ himself even says he will be back at the end of the age. And well, December 21st is the end of the age...

I would also like to know where you found your link between the Mayan Calendar and Christian Philosophy. Do you gain this theory from any credible historian or scholar on ancient religions? Or if it is your own hypothesis, do you have any legitimate cross references other than

the biblical and Mayan uses of the word age? You also must consider the lack of literality when translating ancient languages to modern languages, Im sure the words as used in both languages were nowhere near the exact same definition of an age as you assert them to be. If all of this factual evidence supporting the contrary doesnt scathe your beliefs, or if you simply dont understand the relevance between this and your posts, at least realize that what you are doing is wrong. You are trying to impose your beliefs on other people by attesting them as fact. You are causing unnecessary fear and ignorance. As you are a perfect example of, children are quite impressionable. I challenge you to not be impressionable; I challenge you to second guess everything you hear, even this. Go out and conduct legitimate research to support your claims rather than using faith.

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