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About The Book: Title: 42 Rules for Creating WE Subtitle: A hands-on, practical approach to organizational development, change and

leadership best practices. Editor: Judith E. Glass Publisher: Super Star Press, a Happy About imprint Publisher Address: 20660 Stevens Creek Blvd., Suite 210, Cupertino, CA 95014 ISBN: 978-1-60773-050-7 Price: $19.95 Date: 2009, Page Count: 147 Purchase: When I first learned about this book I couldn't for the life of me figure out what "WE" was in context of the title. After reading this section of the introduction the meaning became clear: "We believe that WE are all connected. Through a WE-centric rather than a traditional I-centric approach, our collective wisdom grows and evolves, creating stronger solutions and mutual respect for the unique contributions of others. We-centric thinking can change the very nature of leadership, culture, brands, businesses and other organizationsand it all starts with conversation. " 42 Rules for Creating WE was written by many different authors who are members of The Creating We Institute (CWI) that was created in 2007. What I learned from this book is that when we approach life from the perspective of "WE" rather than "I" everyone benefits. I love the way this book is structured. Each chapter is a separate entity entirely which means you don't have to read it in order and you can commit to reading a chapter a day without losing your place. The rules in the book are separated into these sections: Section I Shatter Old Paradigms Section II Acknowledge the 'I' Inside the 'WE' Section III Understand What Moves People Section IV Foster Integrity, Candor and Caring Section V Pull Instead of Push Section VI Realize How Words Create Worlds Section VII Expand Belief Systems and Perspectives Topics and concepts covered in 42 Rules for Creating WE include self care, team building, relationship building, leadership lessons and management solutions. As an individual I learned much that will help me manage my life in a more compassionate way but I also think that businesses will benefit greatly by asking new managers to read this book before beginning work. About The Reviewer: Bonnie Jo Davis is an avid reader and a Vine Voice reviewer for She reads books of almost any genre and enjoys sharing her reviews with other readers.

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