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GROUP DEBATE Ever mulled upon why experience and not the petty degrees or a perpetual line of references does the job done for you. Ever wondered why its always called words of wisdom and not words of books or in todays milieu even words of Google, which are given paramount pedestal. It is never hackneyed to idolize people on the basis of the simple steam of thoughts hes been there, done that guy. Its the communication skills and convincing people your way. So here is a chance to speak your mind.


The team should compulsorily contain 3 members The topic of debate will be given on the spot Lots will be picked to select which team will speak for the topic and the other against the topic All the rounds will be knockout rounds 5 minutes will be given for debating. For the final round the time may be increased if the judges feel The team will be evaluated on the basis of participation of all the participants SPOT REGISTRATION IS ALLOWED

Event Coordinators: Doreraj.S.M.-9590100141 S.Deva Kumar-8971059429

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