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Nobody is safe anymore, this statement was done a few days ago by one of the students in Casa Grande,

he and some friends gathered to talk about nothing important but in the end an important subject came out, the topic of college security, which has become a major issue for students and teachers of the institution. The university is our place of study where we are supposed to feel free to be ourselves and to explore our creativity and learn to be professionals, but it is also teaching us something it shouldnt, not to trust anybody because anybody can be a thief. When we go out of class we all like to chill out in the Bar, leave our backpacks and talk with our friends thinking our things will be safe, but they are not. One afternoon a girl was sitting chatting with her friends and her back was resting on the chair next to her with her laptop in it, when she got up and took her things she realized her laptop was missing, somebody had stolen it. Cases like this one there are a million, and this not only affects the students it also affects the teachers. Professor Bernardo Henriques left his office locked with his things inside, only to return to find out his laptop was, missing and when he reported the issue nobody gave him any kind of aid or tried to find the responsible. But not only laptops are in danger of being stolen; cellphones , I pads , cameras and sometimes even inside the computer labs things have gone missing, despite there is a camera supposedly recording the activity , the responsible have never been found and

the university has not responded or done anything to solve this matter, yet the most shocking thing is that the problem is not only inside the university also outside in the parking lots where guards walk around supposedly guarding the cars of the students and teachers , cars have been forced open and things have been stolen Such is the case of teacher Caren Wigby who went outside in the night after her class was done, she sat in her car and it wouldnt start, the reason, several parts of her car had been stolen, inside the engine, in the car exterior, and even her car had been forcedly opened and her radio had been stolen , when she asked the guard he denied hearing or seeing anything. Also a student reported her whole car had gone missing , and both of this victims of theft where not able to be given a solution to their problem because as nobody saw anything or heard then there no one is to blame for the matter , yet their things got stolen in front of the security guards This is a major issue for us the students because this university is our second home , and its not possible that we feel unsecure at home , and it is my idea that the trouble are not the students but the lack of security the university has; such thing is proven by the number people who most of them are friends of students of the university but they actually do not belong to the student body of the institution, also once or twice it has happened that people crossing from Mira Flores to the Alban Borja , use the university as a crossing pass and they get in the university without being asked by the guards if they are actually students of members of the university staff.

I dont accuse al this people of being thieves or being responsible for stealing things, but I must highlight that a laptop or cellphone disappearing when a stranger is crossing the university is a bit suspicious. A solution people started to seek was to report to the deans and to the faculties about the robberies, this seems as a great solution because by informing the authorities of the university about the issues , they will be able to redeem the situation , yet this solution as we said before has shown to not help at all, they file the case and promise that they will do something but in the end nothing is done , the thief is let free and unpunished and the stolen items never returned to their rightful owners, leaving students and teachers alike with the impression that it does not matter that something as serious as theft occurs , nobody will care. But In my opinion there is a solution , as a matter of fact there are just two things to be done here, one is just to pretend nothing is wrong, just let it go and hope that the next person to get robbed is not me, or solution number two which should be the one to be chosen is to take action and demand that the stealing comes to an end, we are all part of the problem and we are all part of the solution, so it will be in our shoulders the responsibility of making sure that our place of work and study is a place where nothing will go missing. One alternative of solution I propose, its that when somebody enters the university they should show their identity card to the guards in order to prove that they are really students of the university. In the case they are not they will have to leave their cedula in

the gate where they entered so that when they leave if they enter without anything the guards check that they leave the same way. This solution is a bit radical and although a good one it will find troubles along the way, sometimes the students are late for class and have no time to look for their carnet or some times they dont have one , but the great advantage is that no one will be able to cross the university entering through one gate and not leaving a track of they ever being here . Another solution that might be proposed its to use the students as watch dogs, make a campaign of awareness of the trouble and heaving a special department in the university where students may report suspicious activity and even be able to intervene if possible when they witness somebody taking something in a suspicious way but being careful always of the person they are about to face. Finally a solution which might be also a good one and will not involve risking the students to face a burglar is to install a camera circuit to control the activity in the university and to be able to monitor not only suspicious robbery activities, but also to make sure things like nonsmoking areas are cared for and respected by the students

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