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Business Plan Format 1) Brief description of the business idea 2) Detailed description of the business idea 3) How do you

classify your idea? a) Totally unique and new b) Modification of existing product/service c) Similar to existing product/service. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Describe the uniqueness/modification/similarity Why do you think your idea can be converted to a successful business? What is the nature of the competition of your product/service? Which is/are your target market/s? What is your estimate of the size of your target market? If your idea is unique/modification, what unique benefits/or value will the users derive from your product/service? 10) If your idea is similar to an existing product/service, how do you propose to make your product competitive? 11) What is the price for your product/service, which you think your customers will be willing to pay? Justify your choice. 12) Which is the best way of delivering your product/service to your customers?

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