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Tl lapja A Veres Pter Gimnzium

Kellemes nnepeket!

A tartalombl:
A szndarabokrl Tovbbtanuls Skciban Grace in Hungary
Animal Skills

Behind the scenes Sudoku Logigrafika

Vge a vilgvgnek!

-: tartalom :Szndarabok .............. 3. Emma&Skcia .......... 4-6. Grace&Hungary ....... 7-8. BTS Logisztorik ........ 9-11. Logigrafika ............... 11. Animal Skills ............. 12-14. Sudoku ...................... 15-16.

Sok szeretettel kszntk minden olvast, aki volt olyan szerencss, hogy tllte a vilgvgt! A Suli-koktl olyan szerencssen lte tl, hogy meg is jelent! A mostani szmbl megtudhatjtok, milyen a diklet Skciban egy magyarnak, Emmnak; s milyen a diklet Magyarorszgon egy amerikai, Grace szemvel. Olvashattok a 10-es szndarabokrl, majd a nyomtatott kiadsban mr a 11-esek eladsairl is. Nem maradtak el a szoksos sudokuk s a logigrafika sem s kzkvnatra jra itt vannak a logisztorik is. Kellemes nnpeket s j olvasst! -SzK

Impresszum: a Suli-koktlt Veres Pter Gimnzium az buda Bksmegyer nkormnyzat tmogatsval adja ki. A Suli-koktlt Tassy Gergely alaptotta 1997-ben. Fszerkeszt: Szab Kristf Munkatrsak: Zaharieva Emma, Grace Haneghan Tancsad: Frank va tanrn



2012 tl

Bszkesg s fehr als, avagy ki volt a sznpad ura

Bszkesg s baltlet
Lttam a filmet s a sorozatot. s mg tetszett is. De mind hiba, a szereplkre egyszeren nem ismertem volna r, ha nem hallom a nevket. (Kivtel Collins atya s Mr. Darcy.) s, hallani, hogy mi trtnik, nem volt mindig egyszer feladat, a torkt mg lehetett volna edzeni egy-kt szereplnek. Fleg, amikor zene mellett kellet elcspnem egy-egy szt. Emiatt egy id utn egyszeren lankadt a figyelmem, s sajnos a vge fel mr el is vesztettem a fonalat. De hogy pozitvumokat is mondjak: Zsombor alaktsa kifejezetten j volt, s Mr. Darcy szerept is sikerlt hitelesen eljtszani. A ruhkat jl eltalltk, a lnyok szpen, a fik fessen mutattak bennk. A Darcy karakternek ksznhet ponok ltek. Tudom, milyen nehzsgekkel nzett szembe az osztly, gyhogy egy zsknyi respect mindenkpp megilleti ket! tma is figyelemfelkelt, nlklk taln az is unalomba fulladt volna, mint a Morel fi. Mert az sajnos erre a sorsra jutott. Itt is megjegyzem, hogy mindkt filmet lttam, s az osztly vdelmre szljon, akkor sem fogott meg jobban, st most legalbb A fehr alst lvezettel nztem vgig. A msodik trtnetben Szab Krisztin nagyon hitelesen adta el a nyjas zletembert, azon a ponton trt vissza a figyelmem. A dszlet is j volt, kr hogy az a doboz csoki a fldn kttt ki. Itt is rfr az osztly nhny tagjra egy kis btorsg, hogy jobban kieresszk a hangjukat.

A legyek ura

Ehhez nem lehet mst hozzfzni: profi volt. A dszlet pazar, mg fstgp is volt! Bedey tanr r bevonsa is j dnts volt, az ltzetek is autentikusak voltak, s az egsz trtnetnek a brutalitsa is kellen tjtt. Vgig feszlten figyeltem, st, A fehr als, A Morel fi kedvet kaptam a knyv elolvasshoz is. A csek els eladsban kiemelem Ennl tbb nem is kell. Sallai Dnes s Bnczi Bianka DVD alaktst, mert hiba volt mr maga a

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Tovbbtanuls a whisky, a skt szoknya, s az es hazjban

Tizenkettedikre tudatosul az emberben, hogy el kell hagynia a VPG kellemes csaldi fszkt s tovbbtanulsi lehetsgek utn kell nznie a nagyvilgban. Van, aki mr tdiktl tudja, hogy a BME-n veti bele magt mrnki tanulmnyaiba vagy ppensggel a SOTE orvosi diplomjt szeretn a kezben tartani nhny rpke v tanuls utn. Azonban sokaknak kztk tavaly nekem is nehezen megy a dnts, hiszen rengeteg egyetem s fiskola megannyi kara s szaka kzl kell a neknk lehet legjobbat kivlasztanunk. Az n dntsem vgl Edinburgh-ba, a gynyr s ess skt fvrosba vitt s bszkn kijelenthetem, hogy egyltaln nem bntam meg. Mirt ppen Edinburgh? Elszr is a szakok rugalmas kombinlhatsga miatt: itt mindenki

megtallja azt, ami a legjobban rdekli. Ha tbb ilyen tantrgy is van az sem akadly, hiszen a megannyi combined (75:25) s joint (50:50) diploma kztt a legbizarrabb kombincikat is felvehetjk. Msodszor a vros, az egyetem, az emberek s a kultra soksznsge s frissessge pratlan. A dikok nem csak az egyetemen szerzett tudssal, hanem az itteni lgkr optimizmusval s sokkal nagyobb nllsggal is gazdagabbak lesznek. Vgl, de nem utols sorban, Skciban az oktats nemcsak vilgsznvonal, de teljesen ingyenes is az Egyesl Kirlysg tbbi rszvel ellenttben.



2012 tl

A jelentkezs igen egyszer, nem kell mst tenni, mint megltogatni a weboldalt s a regisztrci utn kvetni az ott lert utastsokat. Meg kell adni az elrelthat rettsgi jegyeinket, s szksg lesz egy tanr ltal rt ajnlsra is (termszetesen angolra lefordtva). A legfontosabb rsz azonban a Personal Statement, ami lnyegben egy rvid fogalmazs amely megmutatja a motivcidat, cljaidat s erssgeidet. Ezt nem rt idejben elkezdeni, hiszen fknt ez alapjn a 47 sor alapjn dntik el az egyetemek, hogy felajnlanak-e egy helyet. A hatrid lejrtval (azaz janur 15-e utn) az egyetemeknek mrcius vgig vlaszt kell adniuk a jelentkezknek. Ktfle pozitv vlasz rkezhet: unconditional, amely szerint rgtn fel tudnak venni vagy conditional, melyben ltalban az rettsgik mell egy IELTS angol nyelvvizsgt is krnek. Amint ezek megvannak, mr el is lehet kezdeni a pakolst: a gumicsizmt s az eskabtot ne hagyjtok otthon! J

Az Edinburgh University-nek rengeteg plete van a vrosban, a legmodernebb knyvtrakkal s laboratriumokkal, valamint sajt fitnesz centerrel felszerelve. A belvros tele van dikokkal, hiszen tbb risi egyetem is tallhat a kzelben. A tanulson kvl a diklet legfontosabb rszt a klnbz klubok, az gynevezett Society-k tltik ki. Minl tbb klubba belpnk, annl jobb! Van vlasztk bven, a 300 Society kztt tallunk az ejternys klubtl a Harry Potter klubon t a koktlkeverk klubjig mindenfle rdekes elfoglaltsgot. A belpshez semmifle elkpzettsg nem szksges, s ez az egyik legjobb md, hogy sok ismersre tegynk szert, mikzben szokjuk a skt akcentust. Mivel az tel s a szlls nem a legolcsbb az orszgban, gy sok diknak elbb-utbb munka utn kell nznie. Erre lehetsg van a kzeli kvzkban, ttermekben s telefonos kzpontokban, ahol ltalban rugalmas munkaidvel s elfogadhat fizetssel tallhatunk dikmunkt. Ebben az egyetem is sokat segt, kln szervezetet mkdtetnek ezzel a cllal. Mindent egybevetve nekem eddig szinte csak pozitv lm5

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nyeim vannak a klfldi tanulssal kapcsolatban: az emberek segtkszek, a vros elkpeszt, s rengeteg a lehetsg. Persze vannak napok, amikor a nehz bevsrlszatyrokkal s tanknyvekkel a zuhog esben futva elkpzelem, milyen egyszer volt otthon, amikor anyukm ksz vacsorval vrt. De ez mind hozztartozik az egyetemistk lethez gy, ahogy a kzs fzsek s a hatalmas flat party-k is. Meg sem kell emltenem, hogy az angol nyelvtudsnak is jt tesz, ha az ember Edinburgh-ban tanul. A beilleszkeds miatt pedig egyltaln nem kell aggdni: az egye6

tem International Student Association nven mkdtetett szervezete, valamint a frissen alakult Hungarian Society mindenben segt az jonnan rkezetteknek! Ha kedvet kaptatok a klfldi tovbbtanulshoz vagy brmilyen krdsetek lenne, keressetek meg vagy nzztek meg a UCAS weboldalt, ahol minden rszletesen le van rva a jelentkezsrl s az egyetemekrl. Sok sikert az rettsgihez! Jvre taln tallkozunk! :) Edinburgh-ban Emma



2012 tl

Gracious Hungary
Hungary is truly a beautiful place filled with thousands of years of history. For the short time that Ive been here, I have grown to love my host country. I didnt know what to expect when I arrived, I knew very little about Hungary before coming. As beautiful and exciting as everything was, I had no illusions about things being perfect. The people are kind and the food is good, but the langue is very difficult. There were obvious differences (like the language), and not so obvious differences (like how asking an acquaintance about how many siblings they have is seen as invasive). My first few weeks here were somewhat a blur. I spent most of that time getting to know my family, sight seeing, and finding my place in the household. I can now eat properly (fork in my left hand and knife in my right, napkin not on my lap, and silverware neatly placed next to each other on my plate when finished.), know were the recycling goes, and what trams take me right into the city (4 and 6). These little things may seem silly, but learning the small stuff helped me feel more at home. I realized that my actions are slowly turning Hungarian. An example of this is when at the last Rotary meeting a fellow American exchange student ask me how I was doing. Note that I didnt really now her past her name and where

she was from. After I answered she looked at me strangely and I realized my replay had been somewhat gloomy. She wasnt expecting me to actually tell her how I was feeling. Instead of giving the generic American good, I treated her

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like a Hungarian. When preparing for my year abroad, I realize now that I never really knew the benefits of doing exchange. I always focused on the fact that I would become bilingual, which is most certainly a plus. The reason for this I think is because I hadnt actually experienced being an exchange student yet. The language portion of it was obvious and easier to understand the appeal. Being placed in a country whose language is only spoken by fifteen million people world wide, was not exactly what I was expecting. Being an exchange student is learning about people and their culture. Rotary has told us all this, drilled into our brains and yet, it still was a revelation. I

can never un-meet the people that Ive met, which makes me know how painful it will be to leave. I would just like to thank all of you for making my time here at Veres Peter Gimnazium a nice one. Especially those of you who I've grown to call friends. Thank you. Grace Haneghan



2012 tl

A lottnyertes

Behind the scenes

Csak az els szmot hallotta az tbl, de tudta, hogy nyert.

Vres j vet!
Az jv els percben rte hallos lvs, pedig nem volt ellensge.

A vratlan vendg
A frfi fradtan rt haza munkbl, lefekdt az gyra, majd pr pillanat utn rjtt, hogy egy hulla a van az gya alatt.

A profi
A frfi, aki a brgyilkos clpontja volt, megprblta meggyzni a gyilkost, hogy hagyja letben t. Pr perc beszlgets utn a brgyilkos bonyolult helyzetbe kerlt, nem lheti meg a frfit, anlkl, hogy brtnbe ne kerlne.

2012 tl MEGOLDSOK: A lottnyertes



A nyerszmokat mindig nvekv sorrendben olvassk fel, gy, miutn bemondtk a 86-ost mr biztos volt, hogy ezt csak a 87, 88, 89, 90 szmsor kvetheti, hiszen 90 szm van sszesen.

Vres j vet!
Nhny illuminlt llapot nnepl lvldzssel nnepli az j vet. Kt bart egszen kiszmthatatlan llapotba kerlt, mg jaur 1-jt vrtk. Mikor az ra tizenkettt ttt, kirohantak az utcra s egyikk elkezdett a levegbe lvldzni. Az egyik goly olyan szerencstlenl rt vissza, hogy egy szegny frfinak pp a szvbe frdott; miutn az agyn trt.

A vratlan vendg
Ahogy lefekdt az gyra, a szoba elcsendesedett. Mg az apr hangoka is lehetett hallani, mint az ra kattogsa egy nem llegz hulla karjn az gy alatt.

VPG A profi


2012 tl

A clpont meglehetsen nehz falat volt. Megmutatta a szfjben lv pnzt, amit a brgyilkosnak ajnlott fel. Ekkzben szrevtlenl a szfbe tette a frfi pohart, amibl ivott, majd bezrta a szfbe. Ha most megli a frfit, a rendrk megtalljk az ujjlenyomatait a pohron


2012 tl



Amazing Skills People Taught Animals

There are several skills which can be taught animals, however unlikely they mught seem at the first glance, read on and you will be surprised your dog doesnt serve you meals or iron your shirts. The good folks in Jakarta, Indonesia spend years training their cocks to prepare them for their annual laughing cock contest. How exactly does one "train" a cock to laugh, you ask? Im sorry, Im far too busy snickering to answer that question right now. Breeders make their living off of their roosters' chortling skills, a trick bred and trained into them from the earliest stages of chickhood. A good male hatchling can go for up to 5 million rupees, which is about $575 in nonMonopoly money. The special roosters are called king chickens, because apparently Indonesian farmers don't realize that the name "laughing cocks" equates to marketing gold. At the contests, the judges rate the roosters on ... how good they laugh, I guess? Some of them do a long, drawn-out laugh with four to 12 guffaws at a time, while others are capable of going on and on like that machine gun at the end of Rambo. How you become an expert judge of cock laughter isn't quite clear, but I sincerely hope there are Laughing Cock Expert name badges involved. Try to think of the best trick you've taught your dog. Maybe it was to play dead, roll over or bark at the mailman to keep that bastard away from your fence. Well, it's a good thing there's no such thing as the No Dog Left




2012 tl

Behind Act, because I'm about to introduce you to Beau, the black Lab who, while other dogs are busy sniffing behinds or humping legs, is busy being a freaking mathematician. Beau can add, subtract, multiply or divide just about any math question you toss his way, answering with the correct number of barks. And he can do it whether the problem is given to him verbally or w rit t en on p a p e r , because just in case you weren't impressed enough that he can do math, he c a n a l s o r e a d . And he is not cheating, even when the owner is nowhere to be seen, Beau is still perfectly capable of doing his math. So long as you're packing treats to reward him for his answers, if you ask him what five plus three is, Beau will bark eight times. Then if

you erase half the plus sign to turn it into a minus sign, he'll bark twice. Beau's only weak point is that his owners never taught him the concept of zero ask him a question where the answer is nothing, and he just starts barking uncontrollably, which is Dog for "Dammit, Nobody said this would be on the test!" As one might reasonably imply from his name, Henry Lizardlover loves his pet lizards. He loves them so much, in fact, that not only has he changed his surname in their honor, but he's also dedicated his life to making them do this:

That's right, he's photographed them doing everything from everyday human-type stuff ...

2012 tl



Henry's been raising lizards for over 30 years, and he's had over 60 of the pointy critters throughout his life. And at some point during that time, he figured out that he was some sort of lizard whisperer, able to train them to pose in humanlike positions indefinitely. Seriously, you might be thinking that it's nothing more than some quick camera work to capture them before they wander off in search of a cricket or something, but it's not: the lizards freeze up and allow Henry to pose them like living G.I. Joes (or Barbies), and then stay there until he tells them otherwise. You just have to wonder what could possibly be going through the little minds of the lizards creatures we normally think of as cold and unfeeling to make them cooperate with all of Hank's anthropomorphic whim.

Certain bar owner in Japan felt the same way, because not only has he taught his pet macaque how to act as a waiter, but he's a l s o enrolled him in karat e. T a v e r n o w n e r K a o r u O t s u k a realized one day that the eldest of his two pet macaques, Yat-chan, tended to stare at the waiters as they gave drinks out to the customers. Kaoru finally let Yat-chan out one day, and the monkey quickly became the establishment's newest waiter. He knows what drink to give which customer, where to get the drink and how to politely hand it to them. The customers respond by giving him soybeans as tips. And what does Yat-chan do in all of his free time? Why, he trains with his sensei.




2012 tl



2012 tl




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