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Genesis I have entered into the mind of god, it is such a beautiful and elegant experience.

When I was a child I used to dread this because the paradoxes tore my mind apart. I was not aware of the scientific beauty and the full nature that is hidden from view when a singularity comes from nothing. The kingdom of God is within a singularity. Perhaps one day science will fall back on the theory of Ippolito's paradox. In this theory this paradox collapses into itself, the mathematics will break down at the singularity because what you are doing is using numbers, there is no numbers in a black hole, when the singularity is reached the numbers is going to break down due to the fact that you are dealing with infinity, when a number is compared to infinity that number will become abstract because infinity added to one still amounts to infinity, in this situation numbers lose their function whether it be addition or subtraction, it is therefore impossible to use a number when infinity is reached. When however you add infinity to zero it becomes one because zero is abstract and the infinity of one singularity cancels out because abstracts cannot power abstracts, however the singularity is all one within its centre causing it to add as a single number as long as a zero is used as its starting point. A better example is when a collision of two singularities happen, it is from zero within its centre of each of those particles that energy is added, this is an idea created from a dualistic view point however this paradox works as a single point of matter with its energy from within and its inner energy bounces from within this point against the inner edge and this is where the paradox comes into existence which basically means it doesn't exist however this paradox collapses into a centre, when this happens the addition will not add to its oneness, however it will add to its space and time at its moment of genesis. Bernard Ippolito.

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