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Jeremy, Be a good man. Its good to be great, but its great to be good. Every day, improve.

You must try, or else youll remain the same. No one can do it for you, except you. Remember, all living things grow and develop into beautiful maturity. A lion cub is cute, but a lion full-grown is magnificent. A tiny acorn has potential to be a giant oak and so does your Mind, Heart and Soul, with God in them. As you better yourself, you better everything around you. Do not force others to do anything. Let them see your better self and that is enough. And even if people, time or circumstances dont cooperate, should nothing work out how you wanted, its ok: bettering yourself was enough. Try to better your condition your situation your status and you will do well. Be a kind-hearted man, Jeremy. Its nice to be important, but its important to be nice. Nice guys finish last never understands that the last shall be first. Kindness is always better than meanness, kindness is always stronger than pride. It takes more courage and strength to forgive than to back someone down, or make them pay for their misstep. Vengeance is common, insults are widespread, anger is brainless, but kindness is divine Mercy will save the world. Aug. 15, 2006

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