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Queensland Police Service Jurisdiction

What the police can do and not do

Who is Queensland Police Service?

The Queensland Police Service is the primary law enforcement agency for the State of Queensland.

Queensland Police Service The Business

So who is the State of Queensland?

A company listed on the United States Security Exchange

Queensland is represented by the following


Queensland The Business

Why does it have an Australian Business Number?

What is an Australian Business Number (ABN)

So an entity that has an ABN is all the same as each other

Queensland Citizenship

You become a citizen of Australia and by default a citizen of Queensland.

As an Australian Citizen
An Act relating to Australian citizenship Preamble The Parliament recognises that Australian citizenship represents full and formal membership of the community of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Australian citizenship is a common bond, involving reciprocal rights and obligations, uniting all Australians, while respecting their diversity. The Parliament recognises that persons conferred Australian citizenship enjoy these rights and undertake to accept these obligations: (a) by pledging loyalty to Australia and its people; and (b) by sharing their democratic beliefs; and (c) by respecting their rights and liberties; and (d) by upholding and obeying the laws of Australia.
Australian Citizenship Act 2007

Its all just business

As there are so many laws and regulations for being an Australian or Queensland citizen, the company engages the services of another company- the Queensland Police Service. They charge a fee for service just like any other company and would therefore be liable for taxes on the profit made by their business, is this why they need an ABN. Queensland has an ABN and can hire in the enforcers (QPS) of the terms and conditions of the contract called citizenship.

Who are they seeking?

This is why the Queensland Police Service need you to produce State issued identification to make sure that they have the correct person. Remember they were engaged to enforce company policy over a certain person, that is the person who is a citizen of Australia or resident of Queensland.

Can they arrest a Sovereign Man for breaching a statute law of Queensland?

If the Queensland Police Service do not enforce the laws, statutes or acts of Queensland they would be breaching a contractual arrangement and be liable for any losses to the State.

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