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MCA AWT Assignment Sem 5, 2012

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Assignment No. 1 Write detail note on any two Payment gateway with their working criteria. Explain about Search engines optimization and limitations. Write information about any 3 Ecommerce website available on the internet. Explain difference between Internet and intranet. Write short note on available web designing technologies. Assignment No. 2 Write difference between static and dynamic website. Write detail note on Servlet Life Cycle. Explain Servlet API in detail (Explanation about at six classes). List and Explain JSP page directives. Explain about different Scope of JSP objects.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Assignment No. 3 Write short note on Evolution of .NET Technology. How it possible to convert .NET application to any of .NET compliant languages? Explain about .NET Architecture with help of diagram. Explain difference between Java and .NET Explain in brief about Applications and advantages of .NET. Assignment No. 4 Write short note on Object Oriented concepts used in C#. Write short note on reference Data types available in C#. Explain Operator Overloading with its types. Explain in brief String Class in C#. List and Explain Exception Handling and its associated classes in C#. Assignment No. 5 Give detail information about ASP .NET Page life Cycle. Explain in brief about ASP .NET page directives. How to use Validation Controls in ASP .NET.(Any 3 Controls). List and explain any 6 ASP.NET server Controls. Write the steps of SQL Database connectivity using DSN in ASP .NET.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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