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Structura limbii curs


Substantivul ()

(substantive comune)
(substantive proprii)
substantive circumstaniale
(substantive formale)

Categoriile gramaticale:exista categoriile de gen, numar si caz?
1. Numrul: Moduri de marcare optionala a pluralului

Prefixe kango

Can the Japanese plurilizer tachi be attached to any noun? The Japanese language is
known as a language without obligatory grammatical number marking, so, strictly
speaking we cannot be sure about singularity or plurality.
() Obviously, a lack of grammatical number does not mean that Japanese cannot
recognize the distinction between singular and plural. Japanese is not number-blind, and
in fact there are sorts of morphological or lexical ways to mark plurality. (Makino
Seiichi, 2007)
-tachi a suffix attached to a noun or a pronoun and indicates its plurality.


- animale

2. Genul nemarcat in general

La animale (genul gramatical = genul natural)

3. Cazul: substantivele si particulele de caz

Japanese has case particles or kakujoshi which are attached to nouns in a
sentence. They comprise ga onide to
e and no and their role is to specify the nouns grammatical and semantic
relation to other units of the sentence. Some scholars (see Tsujimura 1996) regard case
particle as representing four cases prominent in many European languages (nominative,
genitive, dative and accusative) and they distinguish them from postpositions. These
four cases correspond to and; other particles, that is, (
has two functions) are regarded as postpositions, since they encode spatial and temporal
relations. (Yamaguchi T., 2007)

- descriere neutr

(A monkey fell from a tree/ It is a monkey that fell from the
(It is Taro who is handsome)
Speaking of me, I am Honda
(It is I who am Honda)
(Speaking of Taros pet, it died.)
(It is Taros pet that died. / Taros pet died.)

- marcarea obiectului direct

complement indirectcu verbe ditranzitive

Subiect + CI + CD + Verb

n vorbire ordinea Subiect + CI + CD + Verb nu se respecta neaparat

- relatie de posesie, apartenenta

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